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the assassin of Abraham Lincoln.

John Wilkes Booth is most known as the assassin of President Lincoln but he was also a celebrated actor from a prominent and famous theater family.
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Though he probably had many nicknames, the one most used seemed to be Wilkes.

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Q: What is John Wilkes Booth best known as?
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Where was President Abraham Lincoln's assassination?

On the evening of April 14, 1865, while attending a special performance of the comedy, "Our American Cousin," President Abraham Lincoln was shot. Accompanying him at Ford's Theater that night were his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, a twenty-eight year-old officer named Major Henry R. Rathbone, and Rathbone's fiancee, Clara Harris. After the play was in progress, John Wilkes Booth with a drawn derringer pistol stepped into the presidential box, aimed, and fired. The president slumped forward. The assassin, John Wilkes Booth, dropped the pistol and waved a dagger. Rathbone lunged at him, and though slashed in the arm, forced the killer to the railing. Booth leapt from the balcony and caught the spur of his left boot on a flag draped over the rail, and shattered a bone in his leg on landing. Though injured, he rushed out the back door, and disappeared into the night on horseback. A doctor in the audience immediately went upstairs to the box. The bullet had entered through Lincoln's left ear and lodged behind his right eye. He was paralyzed and barely breathing. He was carried across Tenth Street, to a boarding-house opposite the theater, but the doctors' best efforts failed. Nine hours later, at 7:22 AM on April 15th, Lincoln died. At almost the same moment Booth fired the fatal shot, his accomplice, Lewis Paine, attacked Lincoln's Secretary of State, William Henry Seward. Seward lay in bed, recovering from a carriage accident. Paine entered the mansion, claiming to have a delivery of medicine from the Secretary's doctor. Seward's son, Frederick, was brutally beaten while trying to keep Paine from his father's door. Paine slashed the Secretary's throat twice, then fought his way past Seward's son Augustus, an attending hospital corps veteran, and a State Department messenger. Paine escaped into the night, believing his deed complete. However, a metal surgical collar saved Seward from certain death. The Secretary lived another seven years, during which he retained his seat with the Johnson administration, and purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867. There were at least four conspirators in addition to Booth involved in the mayhem. Booth was shot and captured while hiding in a barn near Bowling Green, Virginia, and died later the same day, April 26, 1865. Four co-conspirators, Paine, George Atzerodt, David Herold, and Mary Surratt, were hanged at the gallows of the Old Penitentiary, on the site of present-day Fort McNair, on July 7, 1865. John Wilkes Both was Lincoln's assassin James booth assassinated Lincoln at ford theater. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th U.S. President. He was assassinated on April 15, 1865 by a man named John Wilkes Booth.

Why did the John Wilkes Booth shoot President Lincoln?

Booth was a supporter of the south and didn't believe what Lincoln was doing was civil. He organized a plan to take out three major leaders of the union including Lincoln. Why at Ford's Theatre? That is where Lincoln was going to be and Ford's Theatre was Booth's home turf. For an assassin, having the home field advantage greatly improved the chances of success.

What was King Herod best known for?

Reference Herod Antipas: He is best known today for accounts in the New Testament of his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.

First names of john lennos two sons?

The first names of John Lennon's two sons are Sean and Julian. John Lennon was a musician best known for his time with the Beatles.

What was Gustave Eiffel best known as?

He is best known as an architect.

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Was John Wilkes Booth a notorious or celebrated person?

The better choice would be "notorious". Notorious is vaguely associated with being well-known for something bad; in the case of John Wilkes Booth, he's best known for assassinating Abraham Lincoln. "Celebrated" implies you're well-known for something good.

Who is john Wilkes booths sister?

Edwin Booth was the best known American actor of his day, and as was true in at least some divided families, he supported Lincoln and the Union. His brother Junius was also an American actor. Much of what is known about the Booth family can be credited to his sister Asia F. Booth Clarke who was a notable poet and author.

Who won the Tony Award for Featured Actor in a Musical in 2004?

The 2004 Best Featured Actor in a Musical Tony went to Michael Cerveris. He received the award for his performance as John Wilkes Booth in Assassins.

Why didn't John Wilkes Booth achieve his desired outcomes?

John Wilkes Booth, during the US Civil War, had the idea of kidnapping US President Lincoln. For all practical purposes, despite views to the contrary, this idea ended when Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to US Grant. Wilkes then conspired with his "friends" to assassinate Lincoln and the US Secretaries of War and State. His friends failed in their attempts, however, Wilkes's plan to assassinate Lincoln was a tragic success. As Lee said when he heard of the assassination, and here is a paraphrase, "The South has lost its best friend".

What was wrong with john Wilkes booth?

Also correct He was part of the South and when Lincoln won the Civil War he got really mad because he thought that slavery should stay but after Lincoln won the war he freed all the slaves. Many people from the South got mad and some just said heck with it and they lived on. But John Wilkes Booth hated what happened and when he went to the North he already had a job as an actor. Once he found out that Lincoln was going to be at the play he decided that, that would be the best time to kill him. John Wilkes Booth either thought that Lincoln was supposed to die because he won the war. Or he probably had some damage in his head. No one can really know what lead him to kill Lincoln. Correct He just had a hatred for African Americans, and anyone who thought freedom should be prohibited!

What did Lincoln do to get shot?

Lincoln did absolutely nothing wrong to get shot. The only reason it happened was because John Wilkes Booth was a southerner, and it was right after the Civil War. Be was angry with Lincoln's decisions as President, so he decided killing would probably be the best choice.

What would a lithograft picture of john booth could be worth?

The worth or value of a John Booth lithograph will depend on the artist, the condition, and the rarity of the piece. It is best to have it appraised for the actual value.

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What is the last name of the man that shot Abraham Lincoln?

The Bible tells us his father was called Terah. As the Bible seems to indicate that the early families tended to take on the identity of being someones son/daughter, I would guess his last name would be son of Terah. Well it's the best I can come up with :)