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Hippocrates Asclepiades, "descendant of (the doctor-god) Asclepios," but it is uncertain whether this descent was by family or merely by his becoming attached to the medical profession. Legend likewise places him in the family line of the hero Hercules. Son of Heracleides and Praxithea,

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15y ago

There isn't a straightforward answer to this question, in part because our knowledge of the life history of Hippocrates is very scanty and uncertain. In all, there were seven physicians by the name of Hippocrates who lived around the time it's believed that the Hippocrates you're asking about lived. In addition, the ancient Greeks didn't use first and last names as we do today. However, Hippocrates did live on the Greek island of Cos (also spelled Kos), so his formal name was Hippocrates of Cos.

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11y ago

Ancient Greeks did not have a last name. To distinguise each of them from others with the same name, people use the name of their father.

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