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In figurative usage, as for example, like in a Greek tregedy the implication is that the tragic (sad) outcome is an inevitable result of the key character's personal flaws. He or she was 'doomed' to disaster (death) from the outset.

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12y ago

Types of plays, as the name indicates they were full of bad things happening to people. The opposite were comedies which were funnier and light hearted.

They also inspired Shakespeare to write some of his own tragedies such as Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.

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10y ago

Tragedies were performed as part of religious festivals. Each day a trilogy of three inter-related tragedy-plays was performed, followed by a satyr play and a comedy. The tragedies were serious and draining, the satyr play was humorous filth and the comedy was a political joke session. The audience was drained and then restored, to go home with something to think and talk about.

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14y ago

Greek tragedy is old,greek, plays that did not have a happy ending.

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7y ago

It was a part of a religious celebration to the gods, and was designed to provide deep commentary on life's problems through the experiences of the characters.

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