Using our system of counting the days of the months it would be XIV February MCMXCVII. However, the Romans would have said/written this differently. Their system of counting the days of the month was different.
The Roman months had three special days, the Kalends, Nones and Ides. The Kalends were the first day of the month. The Nones, fell on the 5th of months with 29 days and the 7th of months with 31 days (March, May, July, and October). It is thought that originally this was the day of the half moon. The Idesfell on the 13th of months with 29 days and the 15th of months with 31 days. It is thought that originally it was the day of the full moon.
The Romans counted the days backwards from the Kalends, Nones, or Ides, depending on which one was nearer. The count included the said days. Since February was a shorter month which had 28 days, 14th February 1997 would be:
Ante Diem XV Kalendas Martias Anno MCMXCVII, which translates as the 15th day before the Kalends of March of the year 1997.
This could be abbreviated a: a. d. XV Kal. Mar. a.MCMXCVII
14 in Roman numerals is XIV
In accordance with the rules governing the Roman numeral system introduced during the Middle Ages and centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire the above Hindu-Arabic numerals converted into Roman numerals are XVIII, XIX, XIV and XLIX respectively which are a confused mishmash of numerals making them almost impossible to work out any mathematical operations with them. But evidence from ancient manuscripts and indeed the Latin language itself suggest that the Romans themselves would have most probably wrote out these numerals as IIX, IXX, IXV and IL then tallied them up in the following logical manner:- IIX+IXX = XXXVII XXXVII+IXV = LI LI+IL = C Hindu-Arabic conversion:- 18+19 = 37 37+14 = 51 51+49 = 100 For more complicated calculations the ingenious Romans would use an abacus counting device.
Nowadays we would convert 999, 14 and 1987 into Roman numerals as CMXCIX, XIV and MCMLXXXVII respectively but notwithstanding the aforementioned inasmuch that there exist compelling evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have probably calculated the required calculations as follows:-IM+IXV+VXMMII = MMM => (1000-1)+(15-1)+(2002-15) = 3000DCCCCLXXXXVIIII+XIIII+MDCCCCLXXXVII = MMM => 999+14+1987 = 3000Note that the above calculations are fairly simple and straight forward but for more advanced arithmetic the Romans would have made use of an abacus calculating device.QED
On 14 February 1912.
February 14 - The League of Women Voters is founded in Chicago.
February 14 2001
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals: II-XIV-MMXIII Note that the ancient Romans would have wrote out the equivalent of 14 as XIIII
14=xiv February=FEB. 2010=MMX Therefore; 14 February 2010 = xiv FEB. MMX
February is the second month and would be II. The 14th is represented by XIV. And the year would be MCMXC. So it would normally be shown as II-XIV-MCMXC.Additional Information:-In today's notation of Roman numerals 1959 is MCMLIX and not MCMXC which represents 1990
The date 8-14-2009 in Roman numerals would be VIII.XIV.MMIX
14 in Roman numerals is XIV
The number 14 in Roman numerals is XIV
Roman numerals for 14 is XIV