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She told Edward that her favorite color on that scene was brown because she felt warm. But her favorite color changes when her mood changes.

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Q: What is Bella Swan's favorite color in twilight?
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What is Bella Swans favorite color?

Bella told Edward that her favorite color changed because of her mood. In the scene in the book, she told Edward it was brown because she felt warm on that day.

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Renesmee's favorite color from the "Twilight" series is said to be a pale periwinkle blue.

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It changes from day to day. but it says the day edward asks in twilight it is brown.

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What is Edward Cullen's favorite collor?

Edward Cullen's favorite color is blue, because he loves the color blue on bella. Im a HUGE twilight fan, and i kno alot about the saga. so keep asking!

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edward's favorite color on Bella is blue.

I want to die my hair Bella Swans color from twilight and i want to know what color that exactly is?

i think you should just look at pictures at bring it to your hairdresser, and then he'll / she'll decide wheather it's the right color for you. it might not suit your skintone, or somthing like that. but I'm sure she'l / he'll find the color that suits u and looks like Bella's .