Out of Atius is the English equivalent of 'ex Atio'. In the word by word translation, the preposition 'ex' means 'from, out of'. As the ablative singular form, the noun 'Atio' is the ablative singular form of Atius. Atius is the family name of Marcus Atius Balbus [105 B.C.E.* - 52 or 51 B.C.E.]. He married Julia Caesaris [101 B.C.E. - 51 B.C.E.], who was the second eldest sister of Gaius Julius Caesar [July 13, 100 B.C.E. - March 15, 44 B.C.E.]. Marcus' and Julia's daughter Atia Balba Caesonia [85 B.C.E. - 43 B.C.E.] married Gaius Octavius [c. 100 B.C.E. - 59 B.C.E.]. Their son was Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus [September 23, 63 B.C.E. - August 19, A.D.** 14], who became the first Emperor of the Roman Empire. Their daughter was Octavia Minor [69 B.C.E. - 11 B.C.E.], who became the fourth wife of Marcus Antonius [January 14, 83 B.C.E. - August 1, 30 B.C.E.]. *Before the Christian Era **Anno Domini, as the Year of Our Lord
"Sex appeal" is part of the English words/phrases generally admitted and understood in French. Ex: Il/Elle (He/she) a (has) du sex appeal. Or you could simply use the word "sexy". Ex: Il/elle est (is) sexy. For a girl only, you could use "elle a du chien", which I think becomes slightly obsolete though.
i.e. is a latin word id est and if it is change to english it is the word "that is" ex. the cough may last for a short period of time i.e., three to four days.
Because he didn't have $ex with your mom and didn't experience the 69 $ex position
Vice President of India is the Ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
Ex. 1: She is stacked. Implied meaning: She has large breasts. ex.2: Smokin' Implied meaning: person referred to is physically arousing and attractive. Ex.3: I wish to mount her. Implied meaning: I would like to have intercourse with her. Ex.4: She's tasty. Implied meaning: Oral pleasure with her would be enjoyable.
Odio il mio ex! in Italian means "I hate my ex!" in English.
of her ex-boyfriend
An ex is a former partner, or a representation of the 24th letter of the English alphabet.
Ex I do not like (roughly)
The slang term "ex" (as in ex-spouse) forms the plural "exes", although neither is formal English.
Extraterritoriality is the longest word in the English language beginning with "ex."
Good out of evil is the English equivalent of 'ex malo bono'. In the word by word translation, the preposition 'ex' means 'from, out of'. The word 'malo' means 'bad, evil'. The word 'bono' means 'good'.
beau coup in english means alot ex: you have alot of dogs
ex. for example in English 'e.g.' short for the latin, 'exempli gratia'.
I am much better than your ex
my boyfriend/fiance's ex-girlfriends/fiancees
Protection from evil