The sextant. An astronomical instrument used to determine latitude and longitude at sea by measuring angular distances, esp. the altitudes of sun, moon, and stars. The chronometer. An extremely accurate clock or other timepiece. Chronometers are used in scientific experiments, navigation, and astronomical observations. It was the invention of a chronometer capable of being used aboard ship, in 1762, that allowed navigators for the first time to accurately determine their longitude at sea.
astrolobe, compass (the previous answer was incorrect)
It didnt impact the age of exploration
Compass and sextant.
What are some of the inventions of the akkadians?
it helped exploration because there were lots of changes for expample population rising to lots of exploration needed to be done
The two sailing inventions that made the Age of Exploration possible were Caravel, and the Galleon.
Techonlogical inventions which made the Age of Exploration possible included a sextant, which sailors used to navigate by the stars, and a compass.
Just 1 for now the compass
The compass and the astrolabe.
astrolobe, compass (the previous answer was incorrect)
the astrolabe and the compass
There are quite a few devices that have made sea exploration as you know it possible. Submarines are one of these devices.
Alot of things . Ask Quizlet
The sail boat
elevators and skyscrapers
It didnt impact the age of exploration