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Q: What interest would a Catholic Cardinal have in settling a new land?
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How does a Cardinal in the Catholic Church sign a letter?

Roman Catholic AnswerA Cardinal is a bishop in the Catholic Church and he would sign his name the same way, with a cross (+) before his name. Because he is a Cardinal, he would put "Cardinal" in place of his middle name, so Cardinal John Doe would sign his name: + John Cardinal Doe

Can a Catholic brother become a cardinal?

Yes, however it would be unusual. He would have to agree to become a priest and bishop before he could be made a cardinal, however.

How do you address a Catholic Cardinal?

A Cardinal is normally addressed as "Your Eminence". However, if a Cardinal Patriarch of one of the Eastern Rites is being addressed, it would also be permissible to refer to him as "Your Beatitude".

Who is the youngest Catholic Cardinal and what is his age?

As of Christmas 2013, Wikipedia lists the youngest Cardinal as Baselios Cardinal Cleemis from India, who was born on 15 June 1959. Cardinal Cleemis is the Major Archbishop of Trivandrum of the (Syro-Malankara Catholic Church. He was created a cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI on 24 November 2012. Thus he would be 54 years of age as of this posting.

Cardinal virtues vs the lords prayer?

Roman Catholic AnswerI don't think that you can set these two in opposition, I think it would be the cardinal virtues AND the Our Father, not OR.

Who is higher a bishop or a pope?

There are three orders of Cardinals: Cardinal Bishops Cardinal Priests Cardinal Deacons There are no Cardinal Archbishops but there are archbishops who are cardinals.

Why do some states have catholic cardinals and others do not?

Catholic Cardinals have nothing to do with states. A Catholic Cardinal is appointed by the Pope to be on his personal staff. A Cardinal is a member of the College of Cardinals, and they are appointed as the Pope's advisors, and in the case of the absence of a Pope, the Cardinals go into the conclave to elect a new Pope. There are areas of the United States that are designated as dioceses. In each diocese, a Bishop is appointed by the Pope to manage that diocese. If a Bishop also happens to be a Cardinal, then that diocese would be headed by a Cardinal. "Cardinal' is a designation that simply means he is a member of the Pope's personal staff. A Cardinal is also a BIshop, and this is his major role.

What are the benefits given to a Catholic Cardinal?

Other than being able to vote for the next Pope, and wear nifty cardinal-red vestments, it would varily widely, as their benefits would come from their archdiocese, or the Vatican (depending on where they are employed).

Who is the Catholic cardinal of Wales and England?

Currently there is no ACTIVE Roman Catholic Cardinal of England and Wales. Since the restoration of the faith in England and Wales the Archdiocese of Westminster has been the Primate Archdiocese's. Usually the Archbishop in time would receive the red-hat and become a cardinal. However, at the moment Archbishop Vincent Nichols still awaits that honour. Interestingly, England and Wales do have a retired Cardinal still alive, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor but is past the retirement age of 80 to still be active.

Why do the color cardinal of a Catholic Cardinal's cassock vary between each person?

It would vary depending on where the Cardinal bought his cassock, and the make, material, etc. The Cardinals are all individuals, and, as mentioned elsewhere, they are not in Rome to form a chorus line, so they will all vary depending on individuals.

Can a Jesuit become pope?

Any adult male Catholic may become Pope, although if you are not a Cardinal under the age of 80, your chances are pretty slim. Any Jesuit Cardinal would have the same likelihood as any other Cardinal, it's up to the Holy Spirit and the cooperation of the Cardinals with Him.

Why did cardinal richelieu send french troops to join the German protestants?

Because he believed it would help to topple the Hapsburg dynasty, which was largely Catholic.