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That European institution is "The Church."

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Q: What institution during the middle ages represented this code best All things under its domain... It's power was such no one could hope to escape its scruntiny?
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What was the dominant political institution during the 19th century?

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Can two different websites using the same domain name reside in two different hosting companies and which one will be seen on the web?

Nope.This is impossible because of the way the domain name system (DNS) works: There are some top level domains (TLDs: .com, .info, .us, .uk, etc). Each of these TLDs has a separate institution which administrates the registration of domains (e.g. This domain can only be registered once, until it expires. During the registered period, the registrar holds control over this domain. The registrar then allows their customer (the company, institution or individual requesting the domain) to point to name servers. These servers hold the sub-domain (www., mail., ftp.) records for the domain, as well as the address records for the domain (these can be MX records, A records, CNAME records, AAAA records, etc) itself. Although multiple addresses can be configured to be pointed to by a domain, this is almost exclusively done by sites with HUGE traffic, such as, as a load balancing technique. This is because there is no real further control which address the visitors browser chooses to connect to.

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Congress was the dominant political institution in the US during most of the 19th century. The presidency became more powerful during the 20th century.

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What is a Trial Domain Name?

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Was there a letter J in the Aramaic language at or during the era of Jesus?

The letter J did not exist in the Aramaic language during the era of Jesus. The sound represented by "J" was typically represented by the letter "Y" or "Yodh" in Aramaic.

Was Michael Faraday the director of the royal institution?

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