

What inside a longhouse?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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14y ago

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A longhouse could be a huge structure up to 150 feet long, 20 feet wide and up to about 20 feet high. Many long houses had two floors, the second was where the sleeping pallets were. They housed groups of families, sometimes as many as 60 people lived in one. Each family usually had its own fire and there might have been hides hung to separate each section.

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What activities were held inside the longhouse or near it?

Activities such as ceremonies, meetings, meals, storytelling, dancing, crafting, and social gatherings were held inside the longhouse. Near the longhouse, activities like farming, fishing, hunting, and trading took place.

What is inside a longhouse?

beds, bunk beds with no ladder,shelves, animal skin for rugs

What do longhouses look like on the inside?

Longhouses contain beds, shelves and other things. It has a big gathering space on the inside that is held for meetings for the people in that longhouse. The meetings are part of everyday life for the people living in that longhouse. There are beds that line each wall from the front of the longhouse to the back of the longhouse.

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There are 35 beds in a longhouse

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Longhouse Religion was created in 1799.

Why was a longhouse named a longhouse?

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How does inside of a longhouse look like?

A longhouse has a fire to welcome visitors in the entrance. Since it's made for families, each family has a room with fire. There are holes on the roof for the smoke to come out.

How do you use longhouse in a sentence?

A longhouse is a kind of long, single room building. An example sentence would be: The longhouse gets very warm in the summer.

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How many can live in a longhouse?

A longhouse can hold 10 family or 250 in it

Where are the fires located inside Iroquois homes?

In the Traditional Longhouse of the Iroquois or Haudenosaunee, a fire would be located in the center aisle way between family units. A Longhouse could have multiple fires burning for warmth. Each longhouse held multiple families and while their would be a small fire for heat, majority of the cooking would be conducted outside of the Longhouse. -------------------------------- | Family | Family | Family | Cooking X .......X..........X...........X..... | Family | Family | Family | --------------------------------