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Q: What information would you give to the fire brigade?
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Where could a company get someone to give fire safety talks to their staff?

In the UK, all Fire Stations have community fire officers who take responsibility for communicating with the public. By contacting the local fire brigade you can arrange for a serving fire officer to visit and give a talk.

Change this sentence to alliterative headline a cat is rescued from a tree by the fire brigade?

Answer The Fire Brigade saves another life ..... The Fire Brigade of _____________received a frantic call of a victim that was treed, none other that a feline named _________. It appears that ________ was apprehensive at the risky save by the Fire Brigade and it took several minutes to convince the feline to letthemsave one of her nine lives. All ended on ahappy notand the feline _____ although happy to be on the ground once again never gave a side long look at her savior. Here's hoping _______ won't be climbing anymore trees! When writing an article the title should grab the reader's eye. The story itself may not be of much importance or you could write the article with humor and give the reader a good laugh. After all, what can one really say about one of the many cats that get treed and are saved by a good Samaritan or the Fire Brigade.

What phone number to call for fire protection class?

Since I don't know where you are located, I would suggest that you start by calling the fire chief in your local area and he could surely give you the information you need. Another source of this type of information would be to contact the State Fire Marshall in your state and they could also help you.

How does a person become a fire fighter?

I would inquire at your local fire department and ask for some information on training required, and also ask to do some volunteer work so you can get your foot in the door. Also some fire fighter magazines will give you some good information on what it takes to become a fire fighter.

How old do you have to be to call 999?

There is no age. In an emergency anyone can call 999 in the UK, 911 in the USA, or 000 in Australia. Ask for Police, Fire brigade, Ambulance or coast guard and give them the address or location of the emergency!

What is the answer to this riddle if you give me food i will live if you give me water i will die?

A fire. If you give it wood or paper, it would get bigger, but if you give it water, it will go out!

What are facts you can give me about Scotland?

One interesting fact about Scotland is that Scotland has over 750 island. Another fact is that the unicorn is the country's official animal. Scotland's capital city, Edinburgh was the first city to have a fire brigade.

I want to become a firefighter but not sure about the training for it. I live in Erie, PA. Can you give me some further information on this?

To become a firefighter you have to take fire training courses and then serve as an intern at a fire station. Contact your local fire station for more information.

How do fire brigades help us?

The fire brigade help us by getting rid of fires or rescuing us from fires they are alway at work so we can give them a call at all times . The only time the fire brigadeisnt at work is when they are on strike . They are very helpfull with abnby of these things like house fires and gas leaks . They will be there if there is any sort of big acsident .

What is help and how is help helpful?

what? surely you knwo what help means? but anyway..... exactly from the dictionary help means: To help someone or something or to help a situation is to do something generous. Umm.......ill give yhu an example will tht HELP? TOM FELL SO BEN HELPED HIM UP. ben is being helpful. THE KITTEN WAS STUCK UP A TREE SO THE FIRE BRIGADE GOT IT DOWN. the fire brigade are helping the kitten. do u get the general picture now? ;)

Why is the car not getting any fire?

You need do give more information such as car, year ,engine, the type of problem.

What will live when you give food n die when you give water?