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What information about race and ethnicity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to specific minority groups? Have you learned something new about your own cultural history? Trends in Immigration will continue to shape the face of the United States. What will this face look like in the year 2050? How can the country best prepare for the changing race and ethnicity of its current and future citizens?

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Q: What information about race and ethnicity in the US has helped you better understand or relate to specific minority group?
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How do you find a minority loan to buy a home?

By "minority" I am assuming you are talking about race or ethnicity. A home loan for a specific minority group would be a violation of Federal Fair Housing laws. It is true that some minority groups are underrepresented in the homeownership market, but loans cannot be made based on minority status. Instead, you should check with your local government on homeownership programs. You can also go to HUD's website ( to find a local housing counseling agency for information on local, state, or other housing programs you may qualify for.

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how do I get a minority scholarships for nursing ?

There is not a specific minority scholarship from the federal government and is open to any one who can qualify. However many groups or civic association or unions will give private scholarships to members and their children and that usually will allow people of a certain group or ethnicity to get one. Fast Web has a listing of many different kinds of such scholarships.

Your son is black and white what is his ethnicity?

The race of a person is determined by their physical characteristics, such as skin color. However, ethnicity refers to a person's cultural background, including factors like nationality, ancestry, and cultural customs. Without more information about your son's specific background, it is not possible to determine his ethnicity solely based on his appearance of being black and white.

A test that does not discriminate against the members of any minority group is termed?

A test that does not discriminate against the members of any minority group is termed as a fair and unbiased test. It should be designed to assess knowledge or skills accurately without favoring or unfairly penalizing any specific group based on factors like race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status.

What is a minority?

The minority is the group that does not have most people with it. Majority holds the power, minority does not.

What is ethnicity of family name malcaus?

The family name Malcaus does not have a specific ethnicity associated with it. It could possibly have origins in multiple regions or cultures.

What is cultural racism?

It is a form of racism where specific cultures or a particular ethnicity are targeted.

What ethnicity is sure name Long pine?

"Long Pine" does not correspond to a specific ethnicity, as surnames can be found across various cultures and regions. It is important to remember that surnames alone do not definitively indicate ethnicity or cultural background.

What percentage heritage constitutes minority status when applying for a job?

There is no specific percentage heritage that constitutes minority status when applying for a job. Whether or not you check the minority box will depend on how you self-identify.

How ethnicity affects on physical problems after sports?

Ethnicity has not any effect on physical problems. Physical problems only depend on the human itself. Every human on the planet is the same, and there could be a human from a specific ethnicity, who has similarities with a human of an other ethnicity, both physical and/or mental.

What is the ethnicity of the name Bellechick?

"Bellechick" does not correspond to a specific ethnicity as it is not a common surname associated with any particular heritage. It is possible that the name has been created or modified recently.