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The Phoenicians were from the Levant, not Mesopotamia. They passed on their alphabet.

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Q: What influence the Phoenicians of Mesopotamia had on classical Greece?
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Why is Phoenicians important?

Phoenicians is important because they are the people of greece. They were the people who lived in greece the inhabitants.

Who were the Phoenicians favorite trading partners and why?

The Phoenicians had several favorite trading partners, including Egypt, Assyria, and Greece. They traded with Egypt for their papyrus, Assyria for metals such as copper, and Greece for luxury goods like pottery and wine. These trading relationships were based on mutual economic benefits, as the Phoenicians could acquire valuable resources and goods from their partners, which they then traded with other civilizations.

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Is Greece west of Mesopotamia?

Yes, Greece is west of Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is located in present-day Iraq, while Greece is located in southeastern Europe.

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The Phoenicians likely learned their gold working skills from the Egyptians, who were known for their advanced goldsmithing techniques. The Phoenicians traded extensively with the Egyptians and other civilizations in the ancient Near East, allowing them to acquire and adopt various skills and knowledge in different fields, including goldworking.

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The classical era of Greece ended after the Peloponnesean war.

Why do we know more about classical Greece then pre classical Greece?

I do nots knows karen

Would Greece be west of Mesopotamia in geographic relationship?

Yes, Greece is west of Mesopotamia in terms of geographic location. Mesopotamia is located in present-day Iraq, while Greece is located northwest of there, across the Mediterranean Sea.

What was the classical period in Greece?

The classical period in Greece's history was most of the 5th and 4th centuries BCE.In this time Greek culture was dramatically advance and matured in the arts and architecture, and this culture was spread as Greek influence moved through the Mediterranean littoral.

What geographical feature central to other middle eastern civilizations is missing in classical Greece?

The geographical feature absent in classical Greece was a river. This was the reason for the comparative lack of trade in classical Greece.