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Clovis was able to unite many Germanic tribes that were seprated to be under one king. Following his conversion to Christianity, Clovis formed a special relationship with the bishop of Rome. This relationship became known as the pope. Clovis also made his subjects convert to Roman Christianity. During his rule, many monasteries and churches were built in the his kingdom, usually sponsored by the king or wealthy nobles.

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Q: What influence did Christianity have on the rule of Clovis in Medieval Germany?
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How did Clovis further Christianity in lands he conquered?

Clovis furthered Catholicism more than Christianity as such. Arian Christians were the overwhelming majority of Christians in Gaul. The Catholics were a small minority. The wife of Clovis was a Catholic and tried to convert him from his paganism to Catholicism, but he resisted. It is thought that in the end he converted to distinguish himself from the other Germanic kings who were Arians. The Burgundians of eastern Gaul, the Visigoths of south-western Gaul, Spain and Portugal and the Vandals of north-western Africa were Arians. Only the Alemanni of southern Germany were pagans, even though it seems that the influence of Arianism did reached them. With Clovis expanding into southern Germany and into southern France, the influence of Catholicism soon spread to these areas.

The first frankish leader to convert to Christianity?


Who did Clovis partner with that allowed Germans to adopt Christianity?

Before his wife Clothide convinced him to convert to Catholicism, the Germans were predominantly Arian - another form of Christianity not believing in the trinity. After his conversion, he joined together with the then Pope until his death. Many converted to Catholicism. The Pope removed the last of Clovis' dynasty and then put Pepin the Short in charge of the Franks. Eventually, Charlemagne would take over (800 AD) and solidify the Catholic influence in the Frankish lands.

Where is the Clovis Regional Library in Clovis located?

The address of the Clovis Regional Library is: 1155 Fifth St., Clovis, 93612 1391

What did king clovis do in 496 ad that won him support of the Romans living in his kingdom?

he rejected the roman legacy in his rule of Gaul

Related questions

How did Clovis further Christianity in lands he conquered?

Clovis furthered Catholicism more than Christianity as such. Arian Christians were the overwhelming majority of Christians in Gaul. The Catholics were a small minority. The wife of Clovis was a Catholic and tried to convert him from his paganism to Catholicism, but he resisted. It is thought that in the end he converted to distinguish himself from the other Germanic kings who were Arians. The Burgundians of eastern Gaul, the Visigoths of south-western Gaul, Spain and Portugal and the Vandals of north-western Africa were Arians. Only the Alemanni of southern Germany were pagans, even though it seems that the influence of Arianism did reached them. With Clovis expanding into southern Germany and into southern France, the influence of Catholicism soon spread to these areas.

How did Clovis spread Christianity?

clovis helped spread christianity by making it the only legal religion

Who brought Christianity to the Frank's?

Chlodovocar, more commonly known as Clovis, brought Christianity to the Franks.

Significan of clovis?

Clovis was the first important non-Roman king to convert to Christianity.

What did Clovis follow as a religion?


What leaders brought Christianity to the franks?


How did Clovis and Charlemagne contribute to the spread Christianity?

Clovis made Christianity the only religion in Europe and Charlemagne killed those who weren't Christian Hope I helped:)

How did clovis and Charlemagne contribute to the spread of Christianity?

Clovis made Christianity the only religion in Europe and Charlemagne killed those who weren't Christian Hope I helped:)

When did Clovis convert to Christianity?

We do not have a firm date for Clovis' conversion to Christianity. It may have been 496, 498, or 506, according to the article in Wikipedia. There is a link to that article below.

Who was Clovis?

First king of the Franks. He converted to Christianity.

The first frankish leader to convert to Christianity?


Who converted clovis to islam?

King Clovis did not convert to Islam. Instead, he converted to Christianity, which was the religion of the people of Gaul.