there were be plantations were slaves would be kept to work. They would do a lot of things while the owner would sit back and relax.
the southern colonies industry's is the major jobs like tobacco, rice, indigo (which is a plant to make blue die.)
Shipbuilding and naval stores
I have no idea! yes MAYBE NO!
tobacco farming and ship building and farming
The middle colonies had few industries because the British government limited manufacturing in the colonies.
The industries of the southern colonies were fishing, cash crops, such as tobacoo, rice, and indigo.
the southern colonies industry's is the major jobs like tobacco, rice, indigo (which is a plant to make blue die.)
Slavery provided labor for the developing textile industries in the southern colonies.
Slavery and i do not know
Shipbuilding and naval stores
Yes in fact they were the best out of the 4 regions
Shipbuilding and naval stores
I have no idea! yes MAYBE NO!
Enslaved Africans were brought to the southern colonies to work on plantations due to a demand for labor in industries such as tobacco, rice, and indigo production. Enslaving Africans was seen as a way to meet this demand for labor and increase the profitability of these industries.
what were some industries in the middle colonies
tobacco farming and ship building and farming
the southern colonies were places.