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The invasion of Cambodia

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Q: What incident sparked massive protests on college campuses in 1970?
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What caused massive protests and riots throughout NZ in 1981?

to kill people

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How do you use toppled in a sentence?

The word toppled is used as a verb. Endemic corruption, a stagnant economy, and massive public protests toppled the regime.

Why did public protests break out in Greece in 2012?

Due to massive indebtedness, the government of Greece had to cut back services and lay off employees.

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Titanic had a near-incident leaving Southampton when the massive draft of her hull almost created a collision with a nearby vessel.

The Vietnam war sparked massive public and creative protests artists stated their opposition to the war through their music. which of the following groups recorded a song that becomes known as the ant?

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What is a political movement where the people overthrow the existing government and set up another?

A revolution is a political movement wherein the people thoroughly replace an existing government by overthrowing it. Violence and massive protests often accompany a revolution.

What did Kanye West study in college?

I believe he dropped out in 2000

What is the comparative or superlative of massive?

massiver and massivest

How to use massive in a sentences?

some examples are:That is a massive book.You have a massive butt.Where are my massive pants?

What time period has Hosni Mubarak been in power in Egypt?

Hosni Mubarak became President of Egypt on 14 October, 1981 at the assassination of Anwar Sadat. Hosni Mubarak stepped back from his Job on the eleventh of February 2011, this happened due to 18 days of massive protests in Kairo.

What happened on Stone Mountain GA.?

Stone Mountain, GA is home to a controversial Confederate memorial that features a massive carved sculpture of Confederate leaders. The site has been the center of protests and debates due to its association with the Confederacy and racism. Efforts to remove or alter the monument have faced legal and political challenges.