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He served in the military, became president and became a general in Rosecrans

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Q: What important things did James Garfield accopplish during his presidency?
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Did James Garfield run for reelection?

James A. Garfield was killed during the first year of his presidency.

Major events during James A. Garfield presidency?

He rode trains.

Who was the president during John Browns Raid?

It is associated with Garfield's presidency but some will argue Holt, who took over after Garfield died.

What were three issues during James A Garfield's presidency?

Garfield's biggest crisis was being shot by an assassin - a wound he eventually died of.

Was James A Garfield assassinated during his presidency?

That's correct. Garfield took office in March of 1881, was shot in July, and eventually died of his wounds in September.

Did James Garfield favor the stalwarts or the reformers?

He favored the reformers because of their stance on the civil service reform. Garfield thought that civil service reform was necessary in the American government during his presidency.

What reforms efforts did Hayes Garfield and Arthur undertake?

Reform of the government civil service,which had become extremely corrupt during the Presidency of Grant.

Why is James Garfield important during the past and today?

Why was James Garfirld impotant? What made him important?

Which presidents were wounded during presidency?

Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy were all fatally wounded by gunshot while in office. Reagan was seriously wounded but recovered.

During his presidency Gerald Ford?

During his presidency, President Gerald Ford accomplished a number of important things. He effectively ended the Vietnam War, for instance during his administration.

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