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I want to know everything historical that has happened from 1997 to 2009

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Q: What important historical events happened between 1993 through 2008?
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Why should you never forget about what happened during this time is history?

It is important to remember what happened during this time in history because it provides valuable lessons and insights into past events. By understanding the mistakes and successes of the past, we can make more informed decisions in the present and future. Additionally, remembering historical events helps preserve cultural heritage and honor the individuals who lived through those times.

What genre is Pandora of Athens 399 bc?

its an historical fiction. because their were girls who went through what she went through, but the characters in Pandora Of Athens are fake. so it must be an historical fiction. :p

What is your personal opinion of the study of history?

The study of history is obviously very important to this country. Every generation needs to know what happened before them, to keep the facts straight through the years.Ê

What happened November 2?

Many things happened on many November 2nd's through the years.

What important event in British Religious history happened shortly before William Shakespeares time?

Quite a few important historical occurrences happened during Shakespeare's lifetime. Shakespeare lived through the defeat of the Spanish Armada of 1588 (he was 24 at the time) the discovery of the remains of Pompeii buried by Mount Vesuvius (he was 28 at the time) Rembrandt was born, the Gunpowder plot was failed with Guy Fawkes being executed (1605 and 1606) and Shakespeare lived in the reigns of both Queen Elizabeth and the reign of James I. An important event in English religious history which occured less than fifty years before Shakespeare's birth was the creation of the Church of England and its separation from the Church of Rome (or Roman Catholic Church) around 1531-1534

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What important historical events happened between 1995 through 2009?

Michael Jackson king of pop sadly died because of an addiction to drugs.

What important historical events happened in Walt Disney lifetime that dont involve Walt Disney?

walt disney lived through life by giving little kids mustache rides. that was the first ride in disneyland. word

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the war went on no one knows what war it was

Why did Jesus go to India?

There is no historical evidence that that ever happened, other than through His followers. It's as unsupported as saying Jesus manifested Himself to the Americas to start mormonism.

What happened to Ottoman territory in the Middle East after World War 1?

It was divided between Britain and France through the mandate system.

How many people made their way through Cumberland National Historical Park in 1775 and 1810?

About 300,000 people between 1775 and 1810.

What important event has happened in the last decade in India?

The rise of India in the last decade to a major world financial power is extremely important. Much of this has come about through outsourcing.

What is the relationship between history and linguistics?

Linguistics are the foundation of language. With language, we can communicate to one another about many things, through spoken word or in writing. That is how history is recorded, spoken or written. Without linguistics, there would be no way of knowing what happened during a particular period in time.

What happened to the flag from fort mchenry after the battle of 1814?

The soldiers and their families cut off pieces of it and then it was passed down through the generations until a historical society got hold of it and they are now in the process of restoring it.

What happened through the time period of 1914 1918?

World War I or "The Great War" occurred between 1914-1918

What are some important events that happened in the roman goddess Juno?

she was told to watch a motor bike by Percy Jackson and so she through a strawberry at him

Why should you never forget about what happened during this time is history?

It is important to remember what happened during this time in history because it provides valuable lessons and insights into past events. By understanding the mistakes and successes of the past, we can make more informed decisions in the present and future. Additionally, remembering historical events helps preserve cultural heritage and honor the individuals who lived through those times.