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Q: What impact did the transcontinental railroad have on industrialization and American lif?
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What impact did the railroads have on cattle?

The transcontinental railroad allowed cattle to be delivered across the country on the railroad, instead of herded by cowboys. This led to an increase in cattle distribution and the weakening of the cowboy cattle drives. It also helped to lower transportation costs.

Which change brought about by industrialization had the greatest impact?

How is formed

How did the transcontinental railroad impact American economy to gather momentum?

The Transcontinental Railroad created a nationwide transportation network that united the United States. This network replaced the wagon trains of previous decades which became useless. It allowed for the transportation of larger quantities of goods over longer distances. This was especially helpful for the industrial north at the time. While the nation was still divided due to the Civil War, the transcontinental railroad helped unify the nation, eventually making it a super power. Commerce increased between the states allowing over 50 million dollars worth of cargo to be shipped every year from 1869-1879. Goods from Asia and raw materials from the West were shipped to the East faster than ever. The West began to catch up with the Eastern way of life as many more people could now move west and the products of the manufacturing boom were shipped to the West.

What impact did railroad growth have on Texas after 1870?


How did railroad consolidation impact the industry?

Railroad consolidation was a business principle during the industrial revolution in the United States. This allowed the American people to speed up transportation, with both goods and human transportation. This allowed the economy to continue to flourish.

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What was the impact of the transcontinental railroad?


What impact did the Transcontinental railroad have on the natives?

The railroad contributed to the destruction of the bison herds.

How did the building of the transcontinental railroad impact the growth of the nation?

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Who built the transcontinental railroad and what was its impact on American industry and agribusiness?

The bulk of the workmen working their way from the EAST towards the West were Irishmen. The bulk of the workmen building the railroad from the WEST towards the EAST were the Chinese.

What is Iris Chang's purpose for writing Building the Transcontinental Railroad?

Iris Chang wrote "The Chinese in America: A Narrative History" to highlight the contributions and struggles of Chinese immigrants in American history, including their involvement in building the transcontinental railroad. Chang explored the challenges faced by Chinese laborers and their impact on shaping American infrastructure.

Which method of transportation had the greatest impact in the west after the civil war?

transcontinental railroad.

Why was the Erie canal so importanat to us?

Both the Erie Canal and the Transcontinental Railroad made an impact in American history connecting our nation. Both made transportation faster and improved businesses.

What impact did the transcontinetal railroad have on the industrial growth?

It is often argued that the transcontinental railroad increased the national GNP, but an economic study shows that the GNP would have remained the same without the railroad, but it would have been concentrated in the East.

Did the transcontinental railroad affect the agricultural industries?

Yes, the transcontinental railroad had a significant impact on agricultural industries by providing faster transportation for agricultural products to be shipped to markets across the country. This allowed farmers to expand their markets and increase their efficiency in selling goods. Additionally, the railroad provided access to new regions for agriculture to develop.

How did the Transcontinental Railroad help your country grow?

The transcontinental railroad connected the east and west coasts of the United States with a single rail line. This had a profound impact on the nation as a whole, and on California --- the end of the line. So the transcontinental railroad opened up the west for the country.

Which transportation breakthrough had the GREATEST impact on American industrialization between 1800 and 1850?


What impact do you think gold rush had on the transcontinental railroad?

i think that since so many people were cumin to California for the gold rush that the railroads were used and need more