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Q: What impact did the marriage of Eleanor of aquitaine to Henry 2 have on England?
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How did Eleanor of Aquitaine impact the lives of those living in the Middle Ages?

Eleanor of Aquitaine had a lasting effect on European culture. She was a queen, mother of kings, regent, and so on, as many women were whose effects were much less than hers. But what she did was to influence the arts and customs of her times in profoundly important ways. She was probably the most important patron of the arts of her age. Literature, music, and art were all guided to some extent by her. She was also important in promoting the Code of Chivalry, which changed how people imagined their places in society. The role of the knight was no longer simply to be a strongman with a horse, but to protect the poor and weak, to be courteous and honorable, and even to pursue love with a view to the standards she stood by. Without Eleanor, the Middle Ages might very likely have been quite different from what it was.

What negative impact did Oliver Cromwell have on history?

He helped to rule England and defend it

What impact has the declaration of independence had on your nation?

It declared our independence from England and started the Revolutionary War.

Was John Cabot's contributions a positive impact or negative?

Positive for England because they gained land.

What impact did lady Jane grey have on the world?

Lady Jane Grey did not have any major impact on the world due to her only being the Queen of England for 9 days. At that period in time she was a Catholic, so there was nothing to change about Religion. But war wise she had lots of advisers to lead the wars for then and command the army. Marriage was not much of a change either because she was forced to Mary a man called Guildford who wasa very controlling person. In conclusion her impact on the world during her life was not much.

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What impact did the marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to Henry II have on England?

she was queen of england and france and had 2 kids and she liked to have lots of sex

What influence did Eleanor have on English history?

Eleanor of Aquitaine is the wife of two kings and the mother of two kings. Her influence begins as wife and queen to Henry II and later with the succession of her two sons Richard and John to the throne. While married to King Louis VII of France, she met the young Prince Henry of England. Louis annulled the marriage with Eleanor as she had not given him an heir to the throne. She married the prince who later became king when when there was no heir to the throne from King Stephen. Now Queen of England, Eleanor and now Henry the Second became two of the most powerful monarchs in English history. Between them Henry owned almost half of France which made him a vassal to the King of France that he often refused to honor. Eleanor brought the Aquitaine to the marriage and Henry inherited the Anjou from his father. These two major land areas in the country of France caused a great heartache for the King of France as he never really regained control of his own country. Queen Eleanor gave birth to many children including several sons. When the eldest son, Henry, died Richard became the heir to the throne of England. Eleanor used her influence and control of the Aquitaine to manipulate Richard. Henry II groomed the youngest son, John, to succeed him but John will end up being one if not the worst king in English history. So two of her sons will become kings of England, Richard I the Lionhearted and John I who will sign the Magna Carta. Her influence and impact on this period of English history is immeasurable. She is a fascinating woman of history and was very important in the history of two countries.

How did Eleanor of Aquitaine impact the lives of those living in the Middle Ages?

Eleanor of Aquitaine had a lasting effect on European culture. She was a queen, mother of kings, regent, and so on, as many women were whose effects were much less than hers. But what she did was to influence the arts and customs of her times in profoundly important ways. She was probably the most important patron of the arts of her age. Literature, music, and art were all guided to some extent by her. She was also important in promoting the Code of Chivalry, which changed how people imagined their places in society. The role of the knight was no longer simply to be a strongman with a horse, but to protect the poor and weak, to be courteous and honorable, and even to pursue love with a view to the standards she stood by. Without Eleanor, the Middle Ages might very likely have been quite different from what it was.

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Eleanor Roosevelt was an advisor to her husband's ear. She helped let everyone list in the armed forces.

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Marriage is a difficult thing but everyone has a happy ending i promise

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There is no negative impact of same-sex marriage on the general public.

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