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It allowed the territory of Missouri to join the USA as a slave-state.

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Q: What impact did The Missouri Compromise have on the U.S when it was passed?
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Who was responsible for the Missouri compromise?

Answer The Missouri Compromise lasted a total of 30 years starting in 1820, and ended by the repeal of it by Lincoln. The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 negated the Missouri Compromise of 1850. Later in 1859, the US Supreme Court ruled that Congress had no Constitutional right to legislate slavery. Of course the Civil War led to the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in the United States. Regarding the 1820 Missouri Compromise, most historians give Henry Clay the credit for having this act passed.

What was the Missouri comprimise?

The Missouri Compromise was an attempt to maintain the balance of power between the North and South when Missouri petitioned for statehood. The Compromise allowed Missouri, a slave state, and Maine, a free state, in together thereby maintaining equality between the two sides. However, the Compromise went on to prohibit slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase that was north of latitude 36-30N.The Missouri Compromise that was passed in 1820 was between the pro slavery and anti slavery factions in the United States Congress.

What compromises did the government make leading up to the US Civil War?

There were a number of compromises made in the US leading up to the US Civil War. The list is as follows:1. In order to have the new US Constitution ratified, slavery was not slated for abolishment, but the importation of slaves would be illegal after 10 years. ( this was a hollow deal as slaves continued to be imported under cover) 2. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 to keep the balance of slave and free states equal; 3. The Missouri Compromise of 1850, this also to keep the slave-free state balance, but added the Fugitive Slave Law; and 4. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowing citizens to vote on the slave issue when a territory had yet to apply for statehood.

What state entered the us in 1820 as a slave state?

The state that entered the US in 1820 as a slave state was Missouri. This was resulting from the Missouri Compromise, or otherwise known as the Compromise of 1820. This compromise stated that slavery in the Louisiana Territory and north of the 36°30' line was all free. Since Missouri was admitted as a free state, Maine was admitted as a free state in order to create an equal balance of free to slave states.

What compromise in 1820 allowed a slave state into the United States when alternated with a free state?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed a slave state into the union when alternated with a free state. The compromise allowed Missouri to enter the US as a slave state and part of Massachusetts was divided to allow the entrance of Maine into the US as a free state.

Related questions

How did opposing views on slavery lead to the Missouri compromise?

James Tallmadge offered an amendment that forbade further introduction of slaves into Missouri in 1819. The US Senate refused to concur with the amendment. The House passed a bill allowing Missouri into the union as a slave state in 1820. In the same year, the Missouri Compromise passed in the US Congress.

In what year did the Missouri compromise begin?

The Missouri compromise was in 1820

What US congressman was instrumental in passing the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

With the US Congress deadlocked over the Missouri situation, there seemed no way to satisfy the Congress. The Speaker of the House, Henry Clay, however, presented a plan, a compromise, that Congress finally passed.

Which US President was in office during the Missouri Compromise?

James Monroe, the 5th president of the US was president during the Missouri Compromise.

How did the Missouri Compromise affect slavery in the US?


What did The Missouri Compromise say about slavery?

The Missouri Compromise made slavery illegal in much of the US, except for the state of Missouri. Some people believe that this made the Civil War erupt later than it would have without the compromise.

What compromise ensured there would be the same number of slave states and free states in the us?

The Missouri compromise.

Who was responsible for the Missouri compromise?

Answer The Missouri Compromise lasted a total of 30 years starting in 1820, and ended by the repeal of it by Lincoln. The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 negated the Missouri Compromise of 1850. Later in 1859, the US Supreme Court ruled that Congress had no Constitutional right to legislate slavery. Of course the Civil War led to the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in the United States. Regarding the 1820 Missouri Compromise, most historians give Henry Clay the credit for having this act passed.

Who was responsible for Missouri compromise?

Answer The Missouri Compromise lasted a total of 30 years starting in 1820, and ended by the repeal of it by Lincoln. The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 negated the Missouri Compromise of 1850. Later in 1859, the US Supreme Court ruled that Congress had no Constitutional right to legislate slavery. Of course the Civil War led to the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in the United States. Regarding the 1820 Missouri Compromise, most historians give Henry Clay the credit for having this act passed.

How did the Missouri compromise of 1820 maintain the balance of free and slave states in the US?

it was awesomew

How did the Missouri compromise effect the US?

The Missouri Compromise drew a clear line as to how the US could be divided in terms of slave and free states were defined. This had a big effect on the overall demographics of the country as a whole.

What was the Missouri comprimise?

The Missouri Compromise was an attempt to maintain the balance of power between the North and South when Missouri petitioned for statehood. The Compromise allowed Missouri, a slave state, and Maine, a free state, in together thereby maintaining equality between the two sides. However, the Compromise went on to prohibit slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase that was north of latitude 36-30N.The Missouri Compromise that was passed in 1820 was between the pro slavery and anti slavery factions in the United States Congress.