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It allowed people to understand what was actually going on in the church and it enlighten them. Educationally people were becoming more educated because people were wanting to learn more and expand their knowledge now that they weren't spending their money on indulgences. What it did to popular religious practices was turn them into something everyone can understand and also opened up new one.

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Q: What impact did Reformation doctrines have on the family education and popular religious practices?
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Related questions

What is religious practice?

Religious practices are rituals and ceremonies as customs that have evolved through history as directions in its religious doctrines or adopted by the preachers of the religion.

How can religious practices be changed?

To answer this look at the hitory of the "reformation". (see related link below).

Which religious doctrines evolved after the protestants reformation?

The three most famous religious doctrines that came into existence and have since evolved starting with the protestant revolt are sola fide, sola gratia, and sola Scriptura: Faith alone, Grace alone, Scripture alone.

During the Reformation a major criticism of the medieval Catholic Church was that it?

refused to tolerate opposing ideas about religious practices

What was the Reformation trying to make better?

It was attempting to combat corruption in the Catholic Church and question irrational religious practices and traditions.

An immediate result of the protestant reformation was the?

The most direct result of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century was the formation of a new kind of Christianity. With distinctive doctrines and practices, this "Protestantism" differed from Catholic Christianity in many important respects, especially in regard to the many distinctive forms that it itself fragmented into as the years passed and the reforms continued.

What is a good sentence for secular?

Secular education teaches subjects without focusing on religious beliefs or doctrines.

Is Rastafarian religion related to Judaism and or Christianity?

Yes. Rastafarian, Judaism and Christianity are monotheistic religions. They differ only in their religious doctrines and practices.

Which religious order is most strongly associated with the Catholic Counter Reformation?

The Jesuits, also known as the Society of Jesus, were the most strongly associated religious order with the Catholic Counter Reformation. They were known for their missionary work, education, and strong loyalty to the Pope in combating the Protestant Reformation.

Which was not a factor that helped bring about the Reformation?

The discovery of the New World through maritime exploration was not a direct factor that helped bring about the Reformation. The Reformation was primarily driven by religious, political, and social factors within Europe, such as criticism of the Catholic Church's practices and corruption.

What catholic reformation?

It was the Catholic response to the Protestant reformation (also called the Counter-Reformation). It involved greater emphasis on the central power of the papacy, the clarification of a number of core doctrines and the refutation of Protestant beliefs at the Council of Trent, and the growth of popular religious movements at grass-roots levels such as the Society of Jesus to promote Catholic doctrines and root out heretical beliefs.

What was one result of the Reformation?

One result of the Reformation was the splintering of the Christian Church into different branches, including Protestantism and Catholicism. This led to religious conflicts, wars, and a shift in power dynamics across Europe. Additionally, the Reformation prompted increased literacy and education as people sought to read and interpret religious texts for themselves.