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Well, as you know, you are not going to jail. What you say is documented. What happens when you lie, and the dc has no way of knowing, is that info is documented in your account. What you say is documented. What happens on the call is documented. Some states don't allow a dc to speak to the spouse without consent. IN those states, when you lie, the dc has to assume at that time, the info they were given, is correct. This leads to more "trouble" on your end. The dc will not speak to the opposite sex, even if they call and claim they are. This is more aggravation on your end because you now have to do the talking and calling, until you give permission. To avoid giving info out because of this new and different info, the dc may not even talk to the spouse who claims they are in states which do allow speaking to a spouse without permission. Again, more aggravation on your end.

Location isn't helping out yourself either. Basically the same thing. To obtain, and is legal, if the dc felt ANY up to date info is needed, they will begin skiptracing for you. Collection agencies employee Skiptracers. They do it all day long and are very good. Their job depends on it. They get paid to find you and any info up to date. Paying for cash doenst mean no tracks. There are many methods used. Meanwhile, your account is "aging". This puts it into another class of debt. Every class is handled more aggressivley. This is where Attorneys come in, garnishment of wages, etc.

Just tell em, not today. Send something weekly, monthly, to at least show intent. I worked some years as a dc who had to do some skiptracing.

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Q: What if you lie about your marital status and your location to a debt collector?
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