There would've never been a Soviet Union; there never would've been any Red Scares; Russia would've probably remained a backward monarchy (though millions of people wouldn't have died under Stalin's regime as well as Lenin's, since most of his regime was marked by the Russian Civil War), and when the Nazis came to power in Germany and began conquering most of Europe, they would've likely succeeded in conquering Russia which would've been a huge victory for the German war cause and would've probably contributed to a Nazi victory in World War II; assuming of course there would've been a World War II. Had the Russian Revolution never happened, there's also a chance Russia would've never left the war, although since Russia left the war the same year the U.S. entered, Germany would've probably still lost. Who can say, all this can be open to interpretation. The point is, had the Russian Revolution never happened, a lot of the major events in modern history would've never happened.
without the French Revolution, there wouldn't be any equality between the three social classes
The protestant reformation happened as a result of disagreement of various doctrines of the Catholic church. Martin Luther was instrumental in this reformation.
The enlightenment
The Reformation happened because there was a controversy on whether the Christian church should have icons or not. It led to disputes whether or not people believed that the church was abusing their power over their followers.
The church was able to read the Bible and find for themselves the truth because of his work.
The protestant reformation happened as a result of disagreement of various doctrines of the Catholic church. Martin Luther was instrumental in this reformation.
Protestant reformation happened in Scotland in 1560/61.
The Protestant Reformation was launched
what happened at the council of trent
The enlightenment
The Reformation happened because there was a controversy on whether the Christian church should have icons or not. It led to disputes whether or not people believed that the church was abusing their power over their followers.
The Jews became pushed aside and co-existed with the others.
What If Punk Never Happened was created in 2008.
This Never Happened Before was created in 2006.
The church was able to read the Bible and find for themselves the truth because of his work.
It never would have happened, simple as that