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Q: What if Hardrada had won the battle of Stamford Bridge?
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What happend to Harold hardrada after he won the battle of Stanford bridge?

Harold Hardrada lost the Battle of Stamford Bridge to King Harold Godwinsson

Did harald hardrada win the battle at stamford bridge?

Harold Godwineson won the battle of Stamford Bridge, and then William Duke of Normandy won the battle of Hastings due to his leadership, preparation and luck.

What were the consequences of the battle of Stanford bridge?

at stamford bridge Harold and Harald hardrada fought together then Harold won that fight

What happened at the battle of stamford bridge between harald hardrada and Harold godwineson?

A battle. The Viking King believed he could enforce his claim to be King of England whereas Godwinson disagreed. The Viking lost. Still, that other ethnic Norseman, Guilliam the Bastard came only later in the year to enforce his claim and won.

Where was the battle of stamford bridge?

Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire, England between English forces commanded by King Harold and the invasion force of Harald Hardrada of Norway.

When was the battle of Stamford bridge and who won and lost?

The battle of Stamford Bridge was on 25th of September 1066 and Harold Godwinson won And Harold Hadrada Lost !

Who fpught in the battle of Stanford Bridge?

The English army under King Harold Godwinson fought and won the Battle of Stamford Bridge, against an invading Norwegian army led by King Harald Hardrada, and Harold's brother, Tostig Godwinson.

Where was the second battle of 1066?

The first battle in 1066 was the "Battle of Stamford Bridge", between Harold Godwinson and Harold Hardrada, a Viking invader. Harold Godwinson won the battle and then marched south with his army to meet William Duke of Normandy in the famous The second was the "Battle of Hastings". William triumphed in the battle and he was later that year, on Christmas day 1066, crowded King of England.

How many people died in the battle of Stamford bridge?

Harold Godwinson (King Harold II) had killed the Norwegian leader called Harald Hardrada in 1066. Harold II's traitorous brother Tostig was also killed fighting with the Norwegians. Stamford Bridge is in Yorkshire, England.

What was the famous battle that happened just before the battle of hastings?

The Battle of Stamford Bridge - which Harold won.

How would the stamford bridge affect Harolds godwinsons army?

The battle of Stamford bridge can be construed as positive and negative for Harold. The positive effect the battle would have had is that it gave the troops a boost in morale, knowing they defeated the powerful Hardrada and won a decisive battle. However the marching up and down the country in a short period of time helped lead to the defeat at the Battle of Hastings. This is due to how fatigued the troops would have been.

How did Harold Godwinson win the battle of Stamford bridge?

they won because they had more warriors, a better team and were better equipped than the opposing team :)They also won because when they got to stamford bridge they realised the vikings had no armour on so that made it alot easier! ;) good luck !