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At the time of the crisis none of the missiles with nuclear warheads that could reach US territory had yet been installed, so Cuba could not have attacked with them.

However unknown to the US there were active short range missiles with nuclear warheads already installed, had Kennedy ordered the invasion of Cuba suggested by his generals Cuba would have defended itself by attacking the troops as they landed on Cuba's beaches with these short range missiles with nuclear warheads. The US was not prepared for this and the only likely response would have been an all out bombing of both Cuba and the USSR with strategic nuclear bombers, which would have triggered a retaliation by the USSR with their strategic nuclear bombers. It would have been total nuclear war between the US and USSR.

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6y ago

The missiles of the Cuban Missile Crisis had arrived in Cuba some 5 weeks before the crisis was initiated after the discovery of the missiles. These were of two types one with a range of some 2000 km the other with a range of 4000 km Both carried a payload with about a +2 Mt yield. The range of the shorter range missile would allow it to hit New York City. The longer range missiles could have hit the American west coast , most of Canada and all of the continental US.Detonations of this size could cause 3rd degree burns and property damage up to 17 km away from the detention site.

Even after the Crisis was over and the missiles were supposedly removed numerous warheads were hidden in Cuba unknown to the USA.

SOothe first result would d have been damage to almost any major city in the US.

Secondly the response to the attack would abe bombing of Russian sites with the American ICBM missiles as well as Cuban sites

Thirdly the USSr would have responded with bombing oAmerican allies and the US with heavy weight bombs and missiles.

Lastly the cached nuclear weapons could have been smuggled into the Us for detonation at strategic sites

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Probably no one would be available to ask this question.

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16y ago

Because we are so strong we would control it.

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Q: What if Cuba attacked US with those missiles?
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