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Q: What ideas from the colonies are still part of our government today?
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How did the southern colonies effect today?

Well slavery seriously impacted us until the Civil War. Some of the agricultural ideas were passed on also. The religion was not very important and had no effect on the government, like today.

Which form of government is still in existence today?

does the maya government still exist today yes or no

How are the principles of government still important today?

Their laws are still used today.

When did all of the 13 colonies have their own government?

The thirteen colonies first had their own government when the Articles of Confederation was in effect. The Articles of Confederation was a national government that gave individual power to each state instead of a strong central government like we have today. The strong state government was used in fear against having a monarchy or dictatorship like they had escaped from England. Even today states still have their own government it is just the strong central government is the "supreme law of the land."

What Document for government that the US still follow today?

The constitution is the framework for government today.

Are ideas of the Mayflower Compact are still important to people today why or why not?

its not

The ideas of the mayflower compact are still important to people today why or why not?

its not

Are The ideas of the Mayflower Compact are still important to people today Why or why not?

its not

How do the ideas of enlightenment thinkers effect government today?

They helped create the laws and constituionwe have today in the United States.

How long did the ideas of Greek philosopher last?

They are still used today.

The ideas of Mayflower compact are still important to people today?

yes it is