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Articles of Confederation help to limit such government involvement and ensure equal treatment.

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Q: What helps to limit government involvement on individual liberties and ensures equal treatment under law?
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How justified were Lincoln's wartime abridgment of civil liberties and his treatment and his treatment of the Copperheads?

if i knew the answer i wouldnt be looking for an answer

What is the mission of the ACLU?

The mission of the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) is to defend and protect the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States. This includes advocating for freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly, as well as fighting for equal treatment and due process for all individuals, particularly those who are marginalized or discriminated against. The ACLU works through litigation, advocacy, and public education to defend civil liberties for all people.

How are civil rights liberties useful?

civil liberties typically focus on freedom and due process outlined in the Bill of Rights where civil rights concern the equal status and treatment of individuals.

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civil liberties typically focus on freedom and due process outlined in the Bill of Rights where civil rights concern the equal status and treatment of individuals.

What are similarities between civil rights and civil liberty?

Both civil rights and civil liberties are essential principles in ensuring individuals are granted equal treatment and protection under the law. Civil rights focus on protecting individuals from discrimination based on characteristics such as race, gender, or religion, while civil liberties guarantee individuals freedoms from government interference in areas like speech, assembly, and religion. Both concepts aim to uphold and protect individual rights and ensure justice and equality for all citizens.

Which is the main underlying cause of the American Revolution?

The main underlying cause of the American Revolution was the poor treatment of the colonists by the British Parliament. Their unfair treatment included high taxation without representation, strict demands, and limited liberties.

Described as the freedom to think and act without government interference or fear of unfair treatment?

This concept refers to individual autonomy and the protection of rights to express thoughts and opinions without censorship or oppression from governing authorities. It encompasses the notion of equality before the law and the ability to participate in society without facing discrimination or undue hindrance due to personal beliefs or characteristics.

How are your civil liberties safeguarded?

That is an easy one. YOU protect your civil liberties. And yours friends, and their friends, and me and my friends. It's for certain that the government is bent on taking AWAY your civil liberties. Remember Lincoln's famous quotation? "Government of the people for the people and BY THE PEOPLE

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The treatment for a person at an alcohol treatment center varies by the individual. If the individual is new to treatment it would be better for them to live there.

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This phenomenon is known as the placebo effect. It occurs when a person experiences a benefit after receiving a treatment that has no therapeutic effect, but the individual believes it does. The individual's improvement is driven by their expectation or belief in the treatment, rather than the treatment itself.

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Drug addiction treatment centers in Canada are ,and are not owned by government. Government owns just a few of them. Most are not owned by the Canadian government.

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Stage IV throat cancer Trigon Area with lymph node and parotid gland involvement......what is the preferred method/s of treatment and the possible prognosis??