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Q: What helped spread greek culture and brought other cultures to Greece?
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yes. music is a part of pop culture and has helped shaped all cultures to be what they are today.

What city state was Oedipus known for having a warrior culture?

Thebes, Greece hope that helped.

What did trade contribute to a blending of cultures in the Aegean world?

traveling helped to expand the culture and to get minerals and objects to survive.

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By Clinging to their African cultures, including their Artistic Heritage of dance, music, and storytelling.The Slave trade brought together people from different parts of Africa with different cultural traditions.The experience of slavery helped create a common African-based culture in the Americas.African cultures would become one of the Forces that shaped life in the American Colonies.

What cultures helped shape the renaissance?

The Renaissance began in Italy, but the printing press (Germany) allowed people to begin to read the Bible and other things, the Crusaders came back with new knowledge ( Middle East), Neoplatonic thought had artists and writers bringing new ideas into the culture (Greece).

What three groups helped preserve Greek and roman culture during the middle ages?

No one preserved these cultures. They were rediscovered in the Renaissance.

How did the Sparta culture differ from the surrounding cultures?

The Spartan culture was militaristic and focused on training its citizens to be exceptional warriors. They valued discipline, endurance, and physical strength above all else. In contrast, the surrounding cultures of ancient Greece prioritized a range of pursuits including philosophy, democracy, and artistic expression. Spartan society was also highly hierarchical, with a rigid class system and a focus on military excellence, whereas other Greek city-states had more open social structures.

What is the significance of cultural diffusion?

It was the first time any big exchange in goods, ideas, and products in Mesopotamia. It spread one culture to another. It helped neighbor cultures.

Why did widespread cultural diffusion occur during the age of the Roman Empire?

The romans would conquer a lot of cultures that had different beliefs and values, then that culture would get united into their own culture and add to it, so eventually there was many cultures were brought together into one which created one Roman culture, they also got new ideas through trade and learned things from other cultures, they "took" many ideas from the Greeks, such as types of art, education, etc.. hope this helped! (: -a fifteen year old girl

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It helped many Japanese feel proud of their culture, but also led some to feel that other cultures were inferior.

Where does volleyball come from?

Greece :) hope i helped! i studied it for 5 years in Greece with my ma