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it means everything is good and there isnt any problems.

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Q: What helped immigrants retain the culture of their native lands?
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DidBritish immigrants of America tended to retain much of their British culture?

British immigrants to America tended to retain much of their British culture

Those immigrants who wanted to retain their Old World traditions?

resisted the adoption of American customs and traditions

What are three reasons why young people should know about their culture?

the three reasons why young people should know about their culture are:to preserve their culture traditions,to retain the identity in a multicultural society and to pass on cultural practices to generations so that they would be aware

What empire made up of the eastern half of the Roman empire retain Greco Roman culture and influence Russian religion?

Byzantine Empire

How has immigration changed the American society?

Immigration to America has changed dramatically; before about 1950, people came to America to escape persecution, or to seek an opportunity to make a better life for themselves. Immigrants wanted to leave their old nationalities, languages and conflicts behind, and to start fresh in the wild frontier. Most immigrants wanted to become Americans and integrate into the American culture and philosophy, and stop being Irish, Italians, Polish, or Japanese. Since then, the pattern has been slowly changing. More recent immigrants are less willing to learn English, and prefer to retain their original languages and traditions. To an increasingly greater extent, recent immigrants come not for the opportunity to make a good life, but for the good life itself. Instead of integrating into American culture, they are rebuilding their old national societies as cultural enclaves within the United States. This has contributed to the increasing factionalist strains in American politics.

Related questions

DidBritish immigrants of America tended to retain much of their British culture?

British immigrants to America tended to retain much of their British culture

What are the three models of assimilation for immigrants?

The three models of assimilation for immigrants are: 1) Anglo-conformity, where immigrants are expected to adopt the dominant culture of the host country; 2) Melting pot, where immigrants maintain their cultural heritage while blending into the larger society; and 3) Cultural pluralism, where immigrants can retain their cultural identity while also participating in the larger society.

What helped immigrants in the 1800s and early 1900s retain their cultures A Adopting American traditions B Living in enclaves C Fleeing religious persecution D Avoiding discrimination?

living in enclaves

Did French immigrants blend in to America?

They quickly assimilated and there are numerous communities that attempt to retain their history and tradition.

Those immigrants who wanted to retain their Old World traditions?

resisted the adoption of American customs and traditions

Why was the qubec act passed?

To allow Québec to retain French culture

What aspects of Culture did Africans retain?

music ,dance ,religion,story telling etc.

Is it necessary for children of immigrants to retain their parents' language and heritage?

yes because different language help us to gain more opportunities

What was the purpose of the Québec Act of 1774?

Purpose was of the Quebec Act of 1774 to allow Quebec to retain French culture.

Are all Indians called native Americans?

Collectively, yes, they are called Native Americans. Though, quite rightly, the many tribes retain their tribal names and tribal identities.

What are the 2 main reasons japan tried to isolate themsleves?

to retain their culture and they did not want to be econimically taken over like china did (spheres of influence)

Why is it important for members of a particular culture to retain some distinct food customs?

The role of the significance of food in maintaining traditions are..?..?...