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Q: What has helped make the laws on religious freedom clearer in meaning?
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The American Colonists wanted freedom from which country?

the colonists wanted religious freedom from Britain which is a monarchy, meaning that the country was ruled by the king (King George III) hope this helped :)

3 people who helped establish true religious freedom?

William Penn!!!

How do you think religious freedom led to political freedom?

Awaking helped shape America political ideas about who should have a say in government

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He found Rhode Island for Religious Freedom. Anne Hutchinsion helped find Portsmith, Rhode Island. They both were banned from the Massacucettes colony.

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English Puritans founded it for religious freedom, and the correct grammer would be "Why was Massachusetts founded?" hope i helped :P

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Overcrowding was the main reason. Resources and money were another thing. Some people moved for religious freedom and jobs. Hope this helped :)

Why does Cyrus's views on religion helped Judaism survive?

If you are refering to Cyrus the great, he gave religious freedom to the jews and set them out of captivity when he became king of Persia and Babylonia.

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How did religion impact the colonization of America?

One of the reasons why religion impacted the colonization of America was their religion (Christianity) helped them get through the hard winters and tasks, etc. So basically it helped them get through the hardships of colonizing. ALSO Religious freedom is what started the whole colonization in the first place. So basically where they were before they weren't allowed to practice their religion so they went across the pond to do so freely. I hope this helped :)

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yes, it helped them get freedom

What religious group helped the slaves to escape?

The Underground Railroad, a secret network of abolitionists, free black individuals, and sympathetic white individuals, helped slaves escape to freedom in the United States. While not a religious group in itself, many members of the Underground Railroad were inspired by their Christian beliefs to assist in freeing slaves and upholding the principle of human equality.