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Q: What has changed since the Victorian times?
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How production has changed since Victorian times?

Methods and machines have modernised.

What has changed in Islington angel since the Victorian times?

my name is lulia and i livehere

Was gardening in England different to gardening in Victorian times?

The Victorians WERE English and if you mean have things changed since then, then NO they haven't.

What has changed since Victorian times?

schools,laws,buildings/roads,libaries,hospitals post office police station

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What has and hasn't changed between Victorian times and now?

your nan

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When was cousin marriage abolished in Christianity and by whom?

As far as I know, practically no demoninations have banned it. However, attitudes on the subject have changed since Victorian times.

Did they have potatoes in Victorian times?

yes, potatoes have been around since the 15th century

How has rice changed since ancient times?

changed different colors

How have chili peppers changed since ancient times?

Haven't changed really.

Who reigned in Victorian times?

Victoria reigned in Victorian times.