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According to The Blaze, "After undergoing careful inspection for further erosion in 2003, the document was resealed in a titanium casement filled with inert argon gas."

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Q: What has been done to preserve the Declaration of Independence?
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Both list wrongs that had been done to people

How is the document called the Sentiments of Independence like the Declaration of Independence?

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According to the Declaration of Independence, what has the king of England done?Taking away american right

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Read aloud and signed

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Independence Hall

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Much of the Declaration of Independence consists of complaints of the wrongs done to the colonists.

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Benjamin Franklin and John Adams made minor changes to the declaration of independence.

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The Declaration of Independence says Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; they have a right to throw gov't. - See more at:,-in-the-declaration-of-independence#sthash.AOFVxKQA.dpuf

What are some of the wrongs done by the british listed in the decloration of independence?

To find out the British Wrongs, just read the Declaration of Independence.

What is done in the preservation room?

the declaration of independence and all other documents are maintained and prserved

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