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You dont say what type of abuser, Although all abuse is wrong in the UK emotional- mental abuse is not considered a crime against an adult,even though it carries all the same risk to the victims mental health and wellbeing,In answer to your question(What happens to abusers) if they are not caught they go on to abuse others and if they are caught they get whats coming to them in terms of a prison sentence.

My answer is one word, Karma.

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Q: What happens to people who are abusers?
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animals get the treat ments they need and the abusers go to jail

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They're abusers & irresponsible.

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Do animal abusers become murderers?

There is a known link between animal abuse and violence towards humans, often referred to as the "link between animal cruelty and human violence." Some studies have found that individuals who abuse animals are more likely to commit violent acts against people as well. However, not all animal abusers go on to become murderers - it's a complex and multifaceted issue that varies from case to case.

Does range word same meaning to abusers?

the people who abuse other people meaning beat them

What is the term for people who abuse animals?

People who abuse animals are called animal abusers. Or jerks.

How many animal abusers are in Florida?

I think alot of animal abusers are in Florida.I watch animal planet ever night and I get so mad of the people who do stuff to the animals. I know there millons of animals abusers in Florida. If you watch animal planet ever night then you wish that the animal abusers will go to jail forever. I hope I answered your question. Just to say there millons of animal abusers in Florida.

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If they were the abusers and did not get help for their actions, than the pattern will continue. If they did get help, things will change.

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Hepatitis is commonly found among intravenous drug abusers.