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Mouschi (Peter's cat) disappeared when the Gestapo came, and re-appeared about two weeks later. Miep Gies took care of it for the rest of the war.

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Q: What happens to Mouschi in diary of Anne Frank?
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How old was mouschi when he died?

Mouschi, the cat mentioned in Anne Frank's diary, was around three years old when he died.

What is the name of the storehouse cat in Anne Frank?

There were three cats mentioned in the Diary of Anne Frank: Moortje was her own cat, whom she had to leave with a friend when she went into hiding, Mouschi was Peter's cat that lived in the Secret Annex, and Boche was the storehouse cat.

What does anne frank give to mouschi on haunaka?

Anne Frank gives Mouschi a lump of sugar on Hanukkah as a treat.

What does peter hold out in front of mouschi's nose to try to lure him back inside in Anne Frank?

Peter holds out a piece of bread in front of Mouschi's nose to try to lure him back inside in "The Diary of Anne Frank."

What was Anne Frank's cat named?

Moortje is Anne Frank's cat's name.

Who else was hid with Anne Frank?

Mrs Frank, Mr Frank, Margot ( her sister ), Mr Van Daan, Mrs Van Daan, Peter Vaan, Dan, Mouschi ( Peters cat ), and later on in the diary, Mr Dussel, who shares a room with Anne.

What is the title of Anne Franks Diary?

The title of Anne Frank's diary is "The Diary of a Young Girl." It follows the experiences of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl hiding from the Nazis during World War II.

Who did Anne Frank get her diary from?

Anne Frank received her diary from her father, Otto.

Who wrote 'The Diary of Anne Frank?

'The Diary of Anne Frank' was written by Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who kept a diary while hiding from the Nazis during the Second World War. Her diary has become a widely read account of life during the Holocaust.

In the diary of Anne Frank what did mr frank give anne as a present?

Mr frank gave Anne frank a diary in which she named kitty

Anne franks cat?

Anne Frank's cat was named Mouschi. Mouschi was a pet cat that lived in the Secret Annex with Anne Frank and her family during their time in hiding from the Nazis. Anne wrote about Mouschi in her diary.

Who was the publisher of Anne Frank's diary?

Her father, Otto Frank was the one to get Anne Frank's diary published.