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Q: What happened when someone was born died or got married in the medieval times?
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What started the medieval times?

nothing it happened occasionally

What is a medieval chandlers?

A chandler in medieval times was someone who made and sold candles.

What happened in the Medieval Times that is interesting?

PLAGUE! Wooohooo! And knights.

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What happened in medieval times in 500 AD?

King Arthur died

How was someone appointed a village idiot in medieval times?

The post of village idiot in medieval times was usually allocated to the most stupid or ignorant person in the township. It is not appropriate to refer to someone as this in modern times however.

If a poor woman's husband died what happened to her in the Medieval times?

He died of want

What is a medieval skipper?

A skipper from the medieval times was a pirate; someone who stole and normally traveled over seas.

What was the punishment for murdering someone in the Medieval Times?

In medieval times, you could have been dragged out and hung, had your head chopped off, or become the king.

If you were part of a noble family in Medieval Times who would you have to ask to get married?

In medieval time the marrage was mostly not your chose. The man and the wife would not meet even before they were married. They married for money and not love in that time.

In Elizabethan times when can you get married?

you can get married when you were engaged to someone and the pope approved of you marrying someone.:)