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Q: What happened to the slaves before the were boarded on the slave ships?
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What happened to the dead slaves on the slave ships?

they were thrown overboard

How did the British transport the slaves to Great Britain?

they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships

What name did pirates give ships they successfully raided?

Ships that were boarded and captured were called 'prizes'.

What happened to the dead slaves on the ships?

Their bodies would be thrown overboard, but might stay in place for some days.

What did they do with the slaves from the slave ships when they lsnded and how did they sell the slaves?

When slaves were brought ashore from slave ships, they were usually inspected, cleaned, and separated before being sold at auctions. The slaves were then auctioned off to the highest bidder, typically plantation owners or slave traders, who would then use them for labor in fields, mines, or households.

What did the colonists do in reaction to unfair tea?

they secretly boarded ships then dumping the tea overboard

Who attacked the British ships when the Acts happened?

If you are referring to the Boston Tea Party, a group called the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Mohawk warriors and boarded British ships carrying the recent shipment of tea, and tossed the entire shipment overboard into Boston Harbor.

What happened to the slaves on slave ships?

The slaves were treated poorly and were beaten to pulps. The people who traded the slaves were cruel and had no sense of affection of humanity. They call the slaves animals? If I could go back in time I'd show those people who are the REAL animals! Slaves that died on the ships were left where they were, whether they were pushed between two others slaves are laying in a bunk. They DIED of starvation and the deadly heat.

How many slaves were on the ships?

1000 slaves

Did slaves walk around on the slave ships?

Slaves were manacled and packed tightly into the holds of the slave ships.

On slave ships how often were slaves danced?

i dunno but all i know is that they were danced so that the slave ship owners were able to clear out the ships but im unaware of how many times or how often this happened.

What did falmouth have to do with D-day?

Thousands of Allied troops boarded ships at Falmouth to go to the coast of Normandy.