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both ann and thomas killed themselves 2 day after the witch trials because the couldn't live without there little ann jr.

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he blew up

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Q: What happened to the putnams after the Salem witch trials?
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Salem witch trials 1603 - 1606?

There were no witch trials in Salem in those years. The trials happened in 1692 and 1693.

What was the name of the witch trials of 1692?

The Salem witch trials happened in 1692.

What happened to John Proctor after the Salem Witch Trials?

John Proctor was accused and hanged during the Salem Witch Trials.

What city had witch trials in the 1690s?

They happened in Salem.

What two families were at the center of the Salem witch trials?

The two main families in the area, and the prime example in the Village-Town feud theory, are the Putnams of Salem Village and the Porters of Salem Town.

In the Salem witch trials happened in 1484?

The Salem Witch Trials took place over two hundred years after the year in your question, in 1692.

Are the Salem Witch Trials related to Halloween?

No. The Salem Witch Trials happened in the summer of 1692. Along with all other Witch trial in the Colonial Era none of them were related to Halloween.

What year were the Salem witch trials start?

It all happened in 1692.

How does the crucible difrfer from the Salem witch trials?

the crucilbe is based on the Salem with trials but the majority of stuff i the play neer really happened

What American town is famous for witch trials?

The American town famous for the Witch Trials (called the Salem Witch Trials) is Salem, Massachusetts.

What effect do you think the witch trail had on Puritan communities?

The witch trials only happened in Salem.

What happened to Betty Parris after the Salem Witch Trials?

Like all of the accusing girls of Salem, Betty's life after the trials fades into the unknown.