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Terrible, they asked the US for financial assistance.

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Q: What happened to the economy in the Russian Domain after the demise of the former Soviet Union (USSR)?
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The most pressing problem for the new Russian government after the Soviet Union collapsed was?

the economy

What led to the collapse of the Soviet economy?

the election of Boris Yeltsin as President.

Which is the best description of the Russian economy before 1985?

The Russian economy since the Bolshevik Revolution to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 was command market. This was done through comprehensive five-year plans and precise GOSPLANS. Another facet to the Soviet economy were their massive defense expenditures per capita.

If im of soviet decent after the USSR are you Russian or Soviet?

If you were born in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of the USSR, but now live in the Russian Federation, then you are a Russian, and former Soviet citizen, though you can still claim Soviet citizenship.

What was social realism of the Soviet era in the Russian Domain?

an art style devoted to the realistic depiction of workers challenging nature or struggling against capitalism

Which economy has suffered greatly after the Cold War?

The Russian, and almost all eastern european countries, and a lot of the former soviet republics

What Russian leader opened Russia's economy up in the 1980's?

The Russian leader that opened Russia's economy up in the 1980s was Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev. Gorbachev was born in 1931 and was the 7th and final leader of the now dissolved Soviet Union.

How did the soviet command economy and the Russian market economy affect the Russian people?

Stalin increased jobs. He industrialzed the USSR and played a very major role in putting their military and armed forces to its height. The Russian people suffered greatly, massacres and from Stalin's ruthless war policies. However, polls showed somehow the Soviet Union still viewed Stalin as positive more than negative.

When was Russian Soviet Government Bureau created?

Russian Soviet Government Bureau was created in 1919.

When did Russian Soviet Government Bureau end?

Russian Soviet Government Bureau ended in 1921.

Why did Gorbachev's reforms fail to improve the Russian economy?

By the time the Soviet elite realized that Gorbachev's reforms were necessary, it was actually too late. The Soviet Empire was too far gone and the government fell.

Why did the Russians economy begin to improve after the civil war?

By 1922 the Russian economy was beginning to improve. That same year, Russia reunited with several neighboring lands that had been part of the Russian Empire before 1917. The new country was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics---also known as the Soviet Union. Russia's Communist leadership dominated the new country.