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Vietnam has never had a democratic government, so nothing has ever happened to this non-existent entity. If you are referring to the Republic of Vietnam (often called South Vietnam), which was a regime in the south of Vietnam from 1954-1975, this country was not a democracy. Although it has the word "Republic" in its name, it was really a state ruled by a strongman who was deeply beholden to US interests. As for what happened to this country, when the US withdrew military forces from Vietnam in 1973, the North Vietnamese Army overran the defenses of South Vietnam and conquered the country, bringing Vietnam into united Communist rule.

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Q: What happened to the democratic government in Vietnam?
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The war in Vietnam in the 1960s was a battle between?

North Vietnam and South Vietnam. South Vietnam was a democratic republic and North Vietnam had a socialist government headed by a communist regime. North Vietnam was trying to defeat the democracy of South Vietnam and unify the country.

What problems did Vietnam have after World War 2?

Probably economic problem, disunity within Vietnam (Yes- some wanted Vietnam to be communist, they were called Vietcong and while the rest wanted a republic type of government which resulted into North & South Vietnam that was later in the end of 1970s, the failure of South Vietnam which is a democratic nation, North Vietnam had attempt and succeed in reunify Vietnam into communist.) and under French's harsh leadership.

Who were on the democratic side of the Vietnam war?

South Vietnam, supported by the United States, Korea, and Australia's military.

Who were the Viet Cong?

Viet Congs: North communist Vietnamese supporters of the communist Front in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War (known in Vietnam as the American War). The Viet Congs fought against both the government/military of South Vietnam and the armed forces of the United States between 1959 and 1975. They were initially a loose grouping of guerrilla fighters. Quick Note: South Vietnam/South Vietnamese didn't want the communist takeover from communist North Vietnam, they wanted to be a democratic country. U.S. entered the war to stop the spread of communism and support the democratic South Vietnam.

What Had Happened In The Vietnam War?

Vietnam was part of the cold war.

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A turbulent free democratic government.

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Democratic Party of Vietnam ended in 1988.

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Democratic Party of Vietnam was created in 1944.

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The fact that there is no opposition that is not set up by the existing ruling group.

The war in Vietnam in the 1960s was a battle between?

North Vietnam and South Vietnam. South Vietnam was a democratic republic and North Vietnam had a socialist government headed by a communist regime. North Vietnam was trying to defeat the democracy of South Vietnam and unify the country.