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Q: What happened to the captives when they arrived in the new world?
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When the English arrived in the New World how did they view the Native Americans?

when the English arrived in the New World they veiwed the Native Americans as lower citezens. However, they were slightly scared of them so they didn't play on this fact much!

Did Columbus' treat the Indians when he first arrived in the New World?

he attempted genocide on them.

Were African responsible for slavery of their people?

No African were not, even if people claimed they are, then what about what happened to those slaves when they arrived at the new worlds?

When did the pilgrims travel to the new world?

The first colonists in Plymoth colony arrived in 1620

Christopher Columbus set---- on his first voyage to the new world on August 3 1492?

Yes. He arrived in the New World on October 12, 1492.

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What new experiences slaves got when they arrived in the new world?

i kill jews

How old world monkeys might have arrived in the new world?

Charles Darwin's boat

When the English arrived in the New World how did they view the Native Americans?

when the English arrived in the New World they veiwed the Native Americans as lower citezens. However, they were slightly scared of them so they didn't play on this fact much!

When is the new movie Unbound Captives with Robert Pattinson come out?

When is the new movie ''Unbound Captives with robert pattinson ,hugh jackman , and rachel weisz coming out in theaters?

Did Columbus' treat the Indians when he first arrived in the New World?

he attempted genocide on them.

Were African responsible for slavery of their people?

No African were not, even if people claimed they are, then what about what happened to those slaves when they arrived at the new worlds?

When did Conquest of the New World happen?

Conquest of the New World happened in 1996.

When did the pilgrims travel to the new world?

The first colonists in Plymoth colony arrived in 1620

Christopher Columbus set---- on his first voyage to the new world on August 3 1492?

Yes. He arrived in the New World on October 12, 1492.

What happened in eygpt?

Well, 30 years of a dictator, oppression, the lack of the rule of law and the end of Hosni Mubarek as the somewhat friendly somewhat despot of Egypt has arrived. Its a brave new world for Egypt. They have a Republic, if they can keep it.

What happened to the planet Pluto?

The IAU arrived at a new definition for "planet" which left Pluto out in the cold. It is now designated as a "Dwarf Planet".

What was a major event happened in 1350 in New Zealand?

In 1350 Polynesians arrived in New Zealand and started to settle. Kupe a Polynesian explorer was the first person to find New Zealand.