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Q: What happened to cope with the doubled population in Victorian times?
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Between 1940 and 1970 what happened to the population of the US?

The population almost doubled during this time. Many refer to it as the "baby boom" and the people born during this time "baby boomers". Right after WWII, many soldiers were coming home and reunited with their loved ones. Baby booms generally signify good and prosperous times, economically and socially.

What was the population during the Victorian times?

In 1804, the world's population reached 1 billion. In 1850, half way through the Victorian times, the world's population reached 1.2 billion. Finally, in 1900, the world's population reached 1.6 billion.

What unusually happened to poor people during the Victorian times?

no u stink ugly

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se caso la primera dama y victoria

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Nothing. But if they spoke in Welsh they were punished.

What is the pattern rule for this pattern 11224488?

Times one, doubled, times one, doubled...

Who reigned in Victorian times?

Victoria reigned in Victorian times.

In victorian times did they have guns?

yes they did have shotguns in Victorian times.

How many times did the world double iin the past 100 years?

The worlds population in 1913 was roughly 1,650,000. The worlds population in 2013 is 316,192,478. This means that the world has doubled the population almost three times total in the last 100 years.

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what were beaches like in the Victorian times? what did they do

What were the fashions like in the Victorian times?

The Crinoline was the fashion in Victorian Times.

What usually happened to the poor during the Victorian times?

Many starved, many were forced in to prison and or the dreded work houses