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Q: What happened to Stephen F Austin that caused him to change his mind about the revolution?
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It caused a REVOLUTION.

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The Storming of the Bastille.

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The battles of Lexington and Concord were a big fight that happened that caused the Revolution

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Every event that ever happened caused another event to happen. Be specific.

What factors caused the revolution in spanish America?

The Revolutions in Spanish America happened because you touch yourself at night.

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Inflation happened. The value of the dollar decreased.

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Industrial Revolution

In what month do the Russian celeberate the Russian revoolution?

In the former Soviet Union the holiday was on the 7th of November. The revolution happened on the 25th of October, so it is called October Revolution. The difference of the dates is caused by the change of calender system.

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Both movements were caused in part by the scientific revolution.

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How were the effects of the scientific revolution different from the effects of the industrial revolution?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Industrial Revolution led to worker exploitation

What expansion was caused by the Industrial Revolution?

the westward expansion was the cause to the industrial revolution.