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The towns were fined

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Q: What happened to Puritan towns that did not set up the required schools?
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What happened to puritan towns that did not set up required schools?

The towns were fined

What were puritan towns like?


Which colony established the principle that local communties have a duty under the law to establish schools?

Massachusetts was the first colony to establish the principle of local community being responsible for establishing schools. In all New England colonies, towns were required to set up schools.

Did the colonial towns have schools in the 1700s?

Yes they did.

How did Puritan children learn to read before schools were built?

Usually the mother taught children how to read but towns would get someone to teach the older children. Puritans believed that learning to read made you closer to God so they valued public education.

How did Puritan communities arrange their towns?

they arrange them quit bad i don't like puritans they sound hateful and very mean

What effect do you think the witch trials had on Puritan communities?

The panic spread to neighboring towns and accusations by people from other towns of people from other towns began. Some non-Salem residents were executed. For example, Martha Carrier was from Andover.

Will the National Grid Plan be good for towns and schools?

read : National Grids Phase II solar plan not best for schools or towns. URL: Best regards and best wishes.

How did patterns of settlement in puritan towns help to reinforce their religious mission?

Puritan towns were typically organized around a central meetinghouse and clustered dwellings to promote community engagement and religious observance. This layout encouraged social control and enabled close monitoring of residents' behavior, reinforcing the Puritan commitment to a devout and moral society. Additionally, the shared values and close-knit nature of these settlements facilitated the transmission of religious teachings and norms between generations.

Does the Sahara Desert have schools?

There are schools in the few cities and towns located in the Atacama Desert.

What happened to miners and towns when the gold ran out?

The miners moved on, and the towns were abandoned and left to fall into ruins.

How was a puritan town like the town in which you live and how was it different?

A Puritan town, like many in colonial America, would have been highly religious, with strict moral codes and a hierarchical social structure based on religious beliefs. In comparison, modern towns are generally more secular and diverse, with a focus on individual freedoms and equality regardless of religious beliefs. Additionally, modern towns are typically characterized by a more complex economy and government structure compared to the more localized and communal nature of Puritan towns.