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They had to be restored to physical health. Then some went home, if they had a home to go to. Many others were put in camps for 'displaced persons and a number went to Israel, and some to the US.

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12y ago

During the early months of 1945, Allied troops found concentration camps all over Europe. There goals were to save as many as they could, although thousands died after liberation.

DP, Displaced Persons camps, were set up and Jews stayed there for a while. In the meantime, they searched for relatives and immigrated.

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14y ago

1. Some of the death camps (in the sense of extermination camps) were destroyed by the Nazis themselves before the Allies reached them - in particular: * Treblinka (grassed over in 1943) * Sobibor (1943-44) * Belzec (1943) * Chelmno (1944) * Maly Trostinets 2. At some camps, especially Auschwitz II, the Nazis blew up the gas chambers and tried to destroy evidence of the Holocaust. 3. Majdanek was the only extermination camp that was taken virtually intact (July 1944) - as the result of a sudden advance by the Soviet Army. 4. Parts of Auschwitz I and II, Buchenwald and Dachau, also Breendonck and Natzweiler have become museums and/or memorial centres. 5. Bergen-Belsen was used for a while as a Displaced Persons' camp.

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The Jews after the war became "DPs", Displaced Persons. Some immigrated to Israel, Australia, Britain, or the US. Few returned to their home countries. Many dealt with PTSD after the war.

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Q: What happened to Jews after they were liberated during World War 2?
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What happened to the Germans when they liberated the Jews?

There's a muddle here. The surviving Jews were liberated by the Allies, not by the Germans.

How the Jews were freed from Buchenwald?

The Jews along with other minorities were freed from Buchanwald when it was liberated. It was liberated onon April 11th 1945 during the Buchenwald reistance.

How were the Jewish freed from Buchenwald?

The Jews were freed from Buchenwald when it was liberated. It was liberated on April 11th 1945 during the Buchenwald resistance.

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Cyrus the Great of Persia defeated the Babylonians and liberated the Jews.

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Sweden was neutral in World War 2, so Swedish Jews were safe in Sweden.

What happened to Jews in Germany during world war 2?

They were exterminated by the Nazi regime.

Did the Jews beat the Nazis in World War 2?

No. The Jews were saved and liberated from the concentration camps after the British, the Americans and the USSR defeated the Nazis and their allies.

What happened after everyone was liberated from camps after world war 2?

Well liberated POW's, or soldiers, were returned to their home country after receiving basic medical treatment so they would survive the trip home. I'm not sure what happened to gypsies and Blacks, but I imagine they were relocated to Allied countries like France and the US. Jews were relocated to Israel shortly after the war.

Who set Jewish people free during Hitler's reign?

The Americans and the Soviet Union at the time helped fight for the Jews' freedom and they also liberated the Jews. Ironically, Russia(Soviet Union) lost most of their soldiers during that war and now Russia has most of the Nazis/Hitler followers in the world.

What evidence does this excerpt provide to support the conclusion that Nazis pursued a policy of genocide toward Jews during World War 2?

Soldiers found bodies piled up when they liberated the extermination camps.

Did the holocaust occur in World War 1 or World War 2?

The Nazis came to power in Germany in January 1933 and began persecuting German Jews about two months later. However, the Holocaust, the systematic slaughter of Jews began in 1941/42 and continued until 1945, when the extermination camps were liberated by the Allies.

What year were the Jewish people liberated?

When the Soviets started closing in on Poland, they liberated several camps which held Jews as prisoners. But when Germany officaly surrendered on May 7, 1945, all the Jews left who were still living in Nazi occupied territories, were free.