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Naval units of the US and North Vietnamese Navy fought a sea battle in Gulf of Tonkin.

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Q: What happened in the gulf of tonkin at the beginning of the war?
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What are the event that occurred in tonkin gulf?

The Vietnam War is the event that occurred in the Tonkin Gulf.

What was the 1964 congressional action that became a blank check for the Vietnam war?

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

What happened between Marv and Ron Tonkin?

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident occurred on August 2, 1964 when two US Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin was sunk allegedly by the North Vietnamese. We now know one of them was a false flag attack. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was August 4, 1964 when President Johnson asked Congress to declare war on Vietnam which they did.

What war involved the gulf of tonkin resolution?

Vietnam War.

Gulf of Tonkin during the Vietnam war?

Confrontations between the US Navy & North Viet Navy in the Tonkin Gulf in 1964.

In what resolution of 1964 did Congress give president Johnson a blank check for the war in Vietnam?

The August, 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution.

Escalation of the war in Vietnam begin with what?

Tonkin Gulf Incident

What gave president Johnson the power to commit troops to Vietnam without asking congress for the declaration of war?

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

What incident did President Johnson react to in 1964 that escalated the Vietnam War?

Tonkin Gulf ships were attacked ( this was LBJ who made it up).

How was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution a functional equivalent of a Congressional declaration of war?

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was an Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), which allows the President to use the military in a war-like action, without calling it a war.

What was one of the battles in South Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

The Gulf of Tonkin

What did the tonkin gulf resoultion do?

Approved war between North Vietnam & the US.