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French and Indian War

Some of the major events that occurred in the world during the mid 1700's included:

French and English Rivalry In India - Both nations for vying for the profits of the rich India trade.

Treaty of Litretch - Spain had a monopoly on trade with Central and South America colonies. This treaty allowed the English to sell slaves to the Spanish colonists.

The French and Indian War - This war between the French and the English, would lead to the crumbling of the French Empire in America. For after the surrender of Quebec to England, it marked the beginning of the end of French fortune in America.

The American Colonies would suffer at the hands of King George III:

Sugar Act of 1764, placed a tax on the colonists for such items as molasses, sugar, and other imports.

Stamp Act of 1765, placed a tax on playing cards, newspapers, legal and commercial paper, calendars and liquor licenses.

The Townsend Acts of 1767, levied important taxes on Colonial Imports of tea, paper, paint and lead. This angered the Colonists to the point that the historical "Boston Tea Party" would happen.

The Intolerable Acts of 1774, suspended elections in Massachusetts and closed the Port of Boston to trade. This was punishment for the "Boston Tea Party."

In April 1775, the War of Independence got its start at Concord and Lexington, in Massachusetts. The year 1776, brought the "Declaration of Independence." The American Revolutionary War would run from 1775 - 1783. Finally, in 1783, the United States gained it's freedom from England, by way of the "Treaty of Paris in 1783."

The French Revolution, as well as the rise and fall of Napoleon would occur from the period of 1794 - 1821.

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