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Not a lot. The Dutch and Portuguese had decided the continent was not worth settling, and Englishman William Dampier's reports were much the same. Captain James Cook had not yet come across the fertile eastern coast. Therefore, in 1750, the indigenous people were engaging in their healthy, traditional lifestyles without external interference.

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1851 marked the start of the Australian goldrush. Gold was found by Edward Hargraves, with a great deal of assistance from John Lister, in the Bathurst region of New Douth Wales, specifically, Ophir. This occurred in New South Wales in May, and a few months later in Victoria, during August.

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1788 marked the arrival in New South Wales of the First Fleet of British convicts, together with officers, marines and a few free settlers. This was the beginning of permanent European settlement in Australia.

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1770 was the year that Lieutenant James Cook (later Captain Cook) became the first European to land on and chart Australia's eastern coastline. He did not discover Australia, but he is credited with giving the eastern side a glowing report which was enough to convince the British authorities to establish a penal settlement here.

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1770 marked the year Australia's Eastern coastline was mapped by English Captain James Cook. In 1644, Dutch explorer Abel Tasman partially mapped the North coast of Western Australia.

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