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Q: What happened in 2000 BCE to 1450 CE?
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How many year are there between 200 BCE and 2000 CE?

Assuming that BCE is a renaming of BC and CE is a renaming of AD of the calendar devised by Dionysius Exiguus in 247 Anno Diocletiani which he designated 531 AD since he calculated that Jesus was born 531 years earlier, becoming his year 1 AD, which was preceded by 1 BC as zero was not invented for another 500 years or so, then between 200 BCE and 2000CE there are the 199 years 199 BCE to 1 BCE and the 1999 years from 1 CE to 1999 CE, making a total of 199 + 1999 = 2198 years between 200 BCE and 2000 CE (exclusive). However, as people were celebrating 2000 CE as the start of the third millennium CE, the second must have run from 1000 CE to 1999 CE and thus the first must have run from 0 CE to 999 CE which means that in the BCE/CE calendar there is a year 0, which means between 200 BCE and 2000 CE there is an extra year, meaning there are 2199 years between 200 BCE and 2000 CE (exclusive). Which dates have been corrected for this extra year in the BCE/CE calendar over the BC/AD calendar I would love to know; for example, Julius Caesar was assassinated on 15 March 44 BC, so is that 15 March 43 BCE?

Which era spans 1450 CE to 1750 CE?

Intermediate Era

What year divides BCE and CE?

There is not a year zero. So, when 1 BCE ends, 1 CE begins. The division is at midnight on 31 December, 1 BCE.

What set of years does the ancient era span?

It is generally accepted as 600 BCE to 500 CE.

What is older 1500 b.c. or 2500 b.c.?

1600 BCE - with BCE you count backwards, with CE you count forwards - 0 is the neutral point from which you count rather way.

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How many year are there between 200 BCE and 2000 CE?

Assuming that BCE is a renaming of BC and CE is a renaming of AD of the calendar devised by Dionysius Exiguus in 247 Anno Diocletiani which he designated 531 AD since he calculated that Jesus was born 531 years earlier, becoming his year 1 AD, which was preceded by 1 BC as zero was not invented for another 500 years or so, then between 200 BCE and 2000CE there are the 199 years 199 BCE to 1 BCE and the 1999 years from 1 CE to 1999 CE, making a total of 199 + 1999 = 2198 years between 200 BCE and 2000 CE (exclusive). However, as people were celebrating 2000 CE as the start of the third millennium CE, the second must have run from 1000 CE to 1999 CE and thus the first must have run from 0 CE to 999 CE which means that in the BCE/CE calendar there is a year 0, which means between 200 BCE and 2000 CE there is an extra year, meaning there are 2199 years between 200 BCE and 2000 CE (exclusive). Which dates have been corrected for this extra year in the BCE/CE calendar over the BC/AD calendar I would love to know; for example, Julius Caesar was assassinated on 15 March 44 BC, so is that 15 March 43 BCE?

When was the period of rule of the Hebrews?

There were several periods. The older dates are just traditional estimates: 2000 BCE to 1700 BCE 1300 BCE to 586 BCE 515 BCE to 70 CE 1948 to the present

What are oldest religions of the world and how old they are?

The oldest known world classic religions are: Sumerian, 5300 BCE Hinduism, c. 2900 BCE Judaism, c. 2000 BCE (Abraham) - c. 1300 BCE (Moses) Zoroastrianism, c. 650 BCE Buddhism, 563 BCE Christianity, 30 CE Islam, 621 CE

Which era spans 1450 CE to 1750 CE?

Intermediate Era

Chronological order from earliest to latest of the origins of the religions listed below?

Hinduism (c. 1500 BCE) Judaism (c. 2000 BCE) Buddhism (c. 6th-5th century BCE) Christianity (1st century CE) Islam (7th century CE)

14 bce is after 9 bce 2000 bce is before 200 bce the answer is unknown Which is correct?

2000 BCE is before 200 BCE is the correct answer. A timeline works like so: the "I" represents the birth of Christ, which is the event which separates BCE and CE. From the "I" forward is where we are now. The numbers increase 0 to 2011. From the "I" backwards the number decreases 0 to (whenever the world began). Therefore 2000 BC come before 200BC. BCE_____________________________I___________________________________CE

How old is the book the bible?

The Bible was written over a period of 1400 to 1800 years by more than 40 different authors, between approx 1450 BCE and 80 CE, in several languages.

What century is year CE 1- CE 100?

The first century CE began at the beginning of 1 CE and ended at the end of 100 CE. The first century BCE ended at the end of 1 BCE, and the second century CE began at the beginning of 101 CE. (Note that there is no year 0, so 1 BCE immediately precedes 1 CE.)

What year divides BCE and CE?

There is not a year zero. So, when 1 BCE ends, 1 CE begins. The division is at midnight on 31 December, 1 BCE.

Where on a timeline would you place the existence of Mayan communities 2600 BCE Oor 1600 BCE or 600 CE or 1000 CE?

600 CE was the zenith of their culture.

If this was the year 2000-what year would it have been 3000 years ago?


What is the newest world religion with more than 5 million members?

Sikhism , khalsa (15 century AD till date)Baha'i Faith, Baha'u'llah (1817-92 CE)Islam, Muhammad (570-632 CE)Christianity, Jesus Christ (1-34 CE)Buddhism, Buddha (536-483 BCE)Zoroastrianism, Zoroaster (628-527 BCE)Judaism, Moses (~1400 BCE)Hinduism, Krishna (~2000 BCE)