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If slaves tried ran away or tried to make an attempt to run away, they would be punished . Most people say they were whipped or were not fed food for days or had to do more work around the area.

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Q: What happened if slaves tried to run away?
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Whites tried to enslave Native Americans but they were able to run away. The Portuguese bought black slaves from West Africa and sold them to the West Indies and the American colonies.

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Yes the slaves run away in the night.

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She was supposed to run away, but Mike tried to stop her and she died. He disappeared. End of story.

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The slaves would run to the North, or if they could, would try to make it to Canada.

Did all the abolitionists support all the underground railroad?

no because some were afraid tht they would get caught trying to help the run away slaves

How did run away slaves survive?

Using the undergound railroad which was a system for slaves to be led to freedom